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Posts posted by ggrtrhhrtgg

  1. I have recently discovered that one of the most difficult circumstances of having a broken-lefthand is (besides typing :() [i am a lefty] is pardon my frankness-- but wipping my ass with the wrong hand--- seriously-- it doesn't feel right!!!!! ::

  2. momack--i understand what you are saying-- but if the conservatives for a minority gov't-- our international stance is at stake-- that for me is the pre-dominant concern... also, a two-tier healthcre plan will be implemented, and, the cost of education will rise-- i vote anti-conservative first-- look at what happened during the 2000-- US election--nader cost the democrats the election.

  3. cyber-hippie--before I begin, remember voting is based on opinion, so in essence you must make your own consciencious choice. comparing Harper and Bush is not as relevant as comparing conservatives to republicans. The basic idealism of both parties is to promote free enterprise/capitalism. Thus, big business benefits directly from their policies. They get breaks to stir economy and that creates jobs. However, that is subject to those holding the majority of influence in mnc/domestic corporations. aka--working class is at the back of the line benefits from a booming economy--trickle down effect. As well, these parties are not in favour of social policies, such as equal education, universal health care, welfare system,etc.

    the liberals--fundamentally stand for freedom. usually they have the best interest of the whole,however, they are not strictly pro-working class, nor pro- corporation. kind of fall somewhere between the ndp, and pc.

    ndp is pro-working class and pro-social programs, they are also very pro-environment, but noy as far as the green party.

    however, the ndp will not beable to balance a budget under the circumstances we are in. we saw evidence of that under the provincially elected bob ray. Ideally, the green party and ndp have the best policies, however, they are not feasible in today's economy and high interest rates, high debt, and high unemployment are related to their policies.

    I am extremely anti-conservative. I will vote liberal for two reasons. First, let me say, they are far from perfect, however, I trust them and embrace many of their ideals, Ifeel as though they have the best interests for canadians. my example is this: the fact that we said no to Iraq, was ahuge statement made on the world stage. We have embraced the characteristic of being a peace keeper, and the liberal policies reflect that. If the conservatives win this election, we will spend a hell of alot ofmoney building our military--and I have one question for that---what the fuck for??

  4. bad news is-- i just broke my hand--left---and i'm left handed... :(---so have to take it easy for afew days---no work no play--no kimock... however, mobility shiuld be improved by next week---still no work which = lots of come together :: :: ::

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