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Posts posted by ggrtrhhrtgg

  1. high school??? hmmmm... I enjoyed it, though I didn't have a clue as to what the fuck was going on... I had the attention span of a flea-- getting stressed out during exams because I was like "what the fuck is this??" the memory that puts it all in perspective... was grade 13 slave day... this girl bought me and made me wear a tight leopard skin dress with roller skates.. the same day, I had to present my independent study in English, and oh, I didn't get around to doing it.. so I had to get in front of all of my peers dressed like a bufoon, and talk about something I had absolutely no clue about.. thus I just said, "I think I am going to sit down" and I got zero on my presentation... that would inspire me to spend the majority of the rest of my days, playing cards or putting pop cans under mats and watching people trip on them...

    and I want to be a teacher??? wtf? ::

  2. I like the person who put in the time and effort to create this board for all the eccentric personalities that wander in and out different streams, in 6 months, I have learned A HELL OF A LOT about this music scene, and I have had the pleasure in making new acquaintances, so for the higher power, that put this in motion--- I like you!

  3. the US should have left Iraq as soon as they removed Hussein. Remaining there, has and will only lead to more and more problems... They have started isolating themselves from the world community. The fact that they received so little support in their war with Iraq, was living proof... In January, they started new immigration policies, that could require finger printing of specific landed visitors in their country... What is next?? Well, take a good look at Israel, and what measures they have taken over the last 30 years. Can you imagine having every boy and girl serve in the army for two to three years, including serving in a hostel environment??? Imagine just having to lug around a weapon with you for 900 days, everywhere you go!! I really hope the American public vote wisely this election.

  4. sure, just burn down the Casino and I'll be there! ;)

    --do my best to get out early of course... but, I am confirmed for CTMF both friday and saturday!!! hoorah!!! and LMP and Princess are rumoured to be joining us for some serious partayin' both nights! Just wonder if they are going to bring my autographed Kevin Bacon Poster--- don't want to disappoint Booche! ::

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