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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. Favourite show in my collection: 6-11-94 Red Rocks

    06/11/94 (Sat) Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Morrison, CO

    Set 1: Wilson, Chalk Dust Torture, You Enjoy Myself, Rift, Down With Disease, It's Ice, Tela, Stash

    Set 2: Also Sprach Zarathustra > Run Like an Antelope, Fluffhead, Scent of a Mule, Split Open and Melt, The Squirming Coil, Maze, Contact > Frankenstein, E: Suzie Greenberg Last Frankenstein, 7/26/91.

    The second set inparticular gets me all mushy like.

    Favourite set i've seen live is 12-02-99 in Detroit. Best YEM for me along with a lot of other gems...(E bold as love)

    12/02/99 (Thu) The Palace - Auburn Hills, MI

    Set 1: Runaway Jim, Farmhouse*, Heavy Things, Roggae, Run Like an Antelope, Wading in the Velvet Sea, Poor Heart, Sample in a Jar > Free, The Squirming Coil

    Set 2: Boogie On Reggae Woman, Gotta Jiboo, Bathtub Gin**, Also Sprach Zarathustra, You Enjoy Myself > Little Drummer Boy#, E: Bold as Love

  2. Just like everyone has accepted that Lazlo will carve you and shit on your doorstep, so should we all just accept that Del hates everything.

    Sorry brother but you don't discuss music most of the time, and i stress most because sometimes you do. It comes off negative and people respond and then you end up with 6 or 7 posts defending yourself. Constructive (and no saying they have bad transitions and metal-esque jams is not constructive) criticism as you already well know gets you much further into conversation and less into confrontation.

    Try it, or don't. By no means am I trying to tell you what to do.

    PS-I'm with ya on the bumping action. Upcoming shows Forum? Just a thought.

    PSS-UM are a great band

  3. You moved to Brantford? On puropse?

    Brantford, for a hicktown, does seem to have a good hot chick ratio though. Can someone expain this? (if you are a girl from Brantford and come on here thinking you're hot, your answer is disqualified)

    Now back to hooking this fella up with some good times in Browntown. All the acts mentioned there are pretty damn good though million.

    I have a buddy living in North Bay right now named Pete Chapple. Know him?

  4. well, i went, i saw, i want to go back.

    3 days is not enough for that place. Everything goes so slow that before you know it an entire day has passed and you spent 3 hours trying to walk from Leidesplein to the Red Light district hitting every 2nd coffeeshop on the way.

    White Widdow and White Rhino were my faves and made evening roaming a super treat. Screw the animal zoo though (no offense) but then entire city is just one big zoo.

    don't even know what to write about really its all so ....... ?

    I do know that i'm going back though, next time with companions. You feel much safer with a sidekick at night but all is fine for the entire night even in the RLD if you stay out of the skinnier alleys.

    Thanks for the advice all, came in really handy but one piece of advice i would give over all others is RENT A BIKE.

  5. A "trip" to the zoo doesn't sound half-bad ollie.

    I think there will be a LOT of stoned wandering on this trip. Haven't had pot here in Ger-boring-many for weeks and weeks.

    Steve-o, i gots to make it down there one of these days. we canucks owe you guys at least one trip down there to match the surprise visit at the Back yard Diesel Dog show.

    Stay tuned.

  6. Thanks S From C. Wanna go? Meet you there in one week. I got my weeks mixed up and its actually next weekend that i'm going, not the following like i previously told TG.

    ...and i've never even had an Amstel Light so no worries there, when in Rome....drink Heineken.

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