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Posts posted by nellie

  1. well it took me about 10 years to finally make it back to high school but i did it... better late than never and i'm graduating tonight at the top of my class with a 99% average in english...(i aced my exam) WOO-HOO!!

    then its a relaxing summer before my mental health and addictions courses in the fall...

    ...just thought i'd share that with y'all....



  2. Strange and beautiful

    are the stars tonight

    that dance around your head

    in your eyes I see that perfect world

    I hope that doesn't sound too weird

    And I want all the world to know

    that your love's all I need

    all that I need

    and if we're lost

    then we are lost together

    yea if we're lost

    then we are lost together

    I stand before this faceless crowd

    and I wonder why I bother

    so much controlled by so few

    stumbling from one disaster to another

    I've heard it all so many times before

    it's all a dream to me now

    a dream to me now

    And if we're lost

    then we are lost together

    yea if we're lost

    then we are lost together

    In this silence of this whispered night

    I listen only to your breath

    and that second of a shooting star

    somehow it all makes sense

    And I want all the world to know

    that your love's all I need

    all that I need

    and if we're lost

    then we are lost together

    yea if we're lost

    then we are lost together

  3. Dearest Nellie,

    I know you bought me White Stripes tickets for my birthday already and I couldn't be more grateful. I really thought I couldn't love you anymore then I do but letting me go see Ryan Adams just might make me love you EVEN MORE ::double exclamation point::

    Love NewRider

    Dearest NewRider,

    I know how much you would love to go see Ryan Adams and know how appreciative you are to have received White Stripes tickets for your upcoming birthday. But what I ALSO know... is that there is absolutely nothing more that I could do to make you love me even more because I am so gosh darn incredibly wonderful.

    So maybe you could just go and do some dishes or vacuum before you head off to the office.. now THAT is something you could do for me to possibly love you even more

    ::double exclamation point::



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