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Posts posted by geomouse

  1. Hey does anyone remember these events from a few years back? Well, there's gonna be new one this Aug. 19th (fri) at the Lancaster Hotel and Debauchery...One of my favourite places to play and generally get it all out. The Daniel Davies Band will headline with Jimmy Leg opening at 'round 9:30. I'll do all I can to get a poster link attached to this thread at some point...The artwork is amazing Niffermouse (kudos and credits abounding!!!)...Timouse, can you help me with this? Man this is taking a workout to type...Crabby Joe's public keyboard has very sticky keys...hope its only beer that's spilled in it...;) More to follow but keep the date in mind and spirit y'all...ttfn

  2. hey everyone--finally have a chance to check the reactions from y'all...and I share everyone's feelings, the whoole range of them from disappointment to outrage to throwing my hands in the air and saying "why alla time, huh?" Keri you are a very accommodating person just the sort that may fall victim to these events...I would tend to think that alot of the jamband crowd I've met to date share this character and it is the one trait I love to see in people. I still hold the opinion that people are generally honest and that probably has cost me a few points of pride in the past but you know what...fuck em all and they know who they are because when and if they ever take a good look at themselves they know what sort of reflection they see...and I hope to hell it scares them...if not today then....well.....then...."cars and phones and diamond rings, these are all just removable things and what about your mind does it shine? shine on other things that concern you more than your time?" I'm out of words again...take care y'all

  3. been awhile since I posted--very long whil and now is the most worthy time--sharing with my friends at Crabby's in Cambridge--My sentiments from Timouse are echoed a thousand times over!! Its wonderful to have a decent recording of our young band! Looking forward to another trip to the nations capital soon soon soon!! Wadaya dsay Bouche? promise not to wreck your house or your mood....anxious in waiting, geomouse

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