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Posts posted by wavinginthewind

  1. So the site that was hosting my avatar took it down and now i have an empty feeling inside. I feel like i am just a shadow without my avatar. I do have it saved on my computer but i just can't seem to be able to get it down to the accptable size. any suggestions on how i can make this happen?

  2. I guess I am saying we need to take a long hard look at whether our culture is primarily a drug culture or music culture

    Not to take away from anything that might of happened, but i agree with your sentiment

  3. what are you some kind of give'r rookie???(this is a joke, one i thought you'd like)

    you remind me of the characther in the dead milkmen's 'i walk the thinnest line'

    In all seriousness zero, i wasn't out to bash you or pick an internet fight. I just wanted to offer my experience of the show i attended on a thursday night.

    I hope one day you find that ray of light. (insert little smilely face here)

  4. 2. A closed minded or wilfuly blind person discredits this richness

    What did i say about assumptive name calling????

    I am really trying not to be insulting or negative as that will just perpetuate. Is there any chance that my intentions are a touch better then you are making out? Is there a chance many of you are reacting to feeling personally insulted and lashing out?

    Sorry, i don't see how i could have gotten personally insulted.........

    You are a total fu©king idiot! I swear to god you know nothing about music or improvisation whatsoever. There is no comparison in the least between the calibre of musicianship on that stage and sh!t you are throwing around. Please go back under the rock from which you came before I go ballistic. Tool. You seriously are a Monstrously Ignorant human being. I cannot give any energy whatsoever to your total failure as an eardrum.

    or maybe it was this......

    No you're entitled to your opinion because you have ears and a brain Guigs. This guy is just a nob gobbler

    though i do like how you accept someones opinion because i'm assuming he must be one of your 'peers'

    I have peers they just don't hang out with a bunch of skidbags in bars

    this i like.......

    That comes with the proviso (get your out thesaurus people) that do not even try to pretend you know me because you don't and you will likely never have the thoughts, experiences and tribulations I have.

    thank goodness for that!!!!!

    To be honest many of you I actually pity because I think with communication skills this poor and an apparent inability to sense people's intention I can't imagine you will fair very well in your respective careers.

    See irony....

    You're dead right

    you're lucky this isn't a metallica message board because you would have got your ass kicked a long time ago

    7. Someone takes their ball and goes home.

    ball is still in play champ.

  5. i am happy that there is music in the world that can give people hope and meaning.

    I honestly think that the reason I 'don't get it' is becuase i am not that familar with the matirial and therefore can really attach to it in any meaningful way.

    sugarmegs, please don't go. every opinion is a valid point of veiw. there is no such thing as a wrong opinion

  6. psssttt sprinkles!!!???!!!! don't you know that the true mastery of a doughnut comes from the covering of the entire doughnut is a sugary glaze. realize that a doughnut baker knows when a doughnut baker is trying to cover up an inferior type doughnut with colourfull little sprinkles.

    your proablly the kind of guy how goes to tim hortons, with their precooked, bland doughnuts. you are not allowed to have an opinion on the quailty of doughnuts until you can call a cordon bleu doughnut master your peer

  7. Finally!!!! That's what i was looking for, your OPINION as to why you thought the show was so great and why i didn't.

    Agian we'll look past your assumptions of what kind of person you think i am, and i will try to explain my OPINION of MY experience of the show.

    I am rooted in the paradigm (type) of music that inspires and invokes an intellectual, emotional, spritial and therefore, physical response. It doesn't matter if it is the 'intellectual' stlyings of a jazz master or a 3 chord vamp of some local bar band. Experiencing music that expresses itself honestly by taking risk and locking into a symbiotic realationship with the artist, the audience and the moment is what allows me to have that release that i get from music. You know that moment when your listening to music where everything is just perfect, it's getting you off like some lost love. where the realities of your daily life fade away and you connect to the universal energy that fills you with absolute joy and happiness. When I attend a music performance i try not to look into the mechanics of what's being played and try to just give myself to the music. when the 'moment' doesn't happen, then i try to as objectivatly as possible, look at what is preventing me from achieving it.

    So for MY taste, i thought that the slip, while definatly highly skilled musicians, didn't connect the material in a way that allowed for a cohesive experience. The vocals were not distictive and very muddled, though i blamed it on the mix. I definatly heard some sloppiness in the rhythm, not that they weren't good, but there were moments when they didn't lock. And some of the material was a little too lite or mellow for MY taste. There were moments when they were jamming that i thought that i was at a string cheese show. more so in the overall tone and timbre of the jam, not in the skill of what was being played. what really stuck out in my head was the cover 19th nervous breakdown. I really didn't see how with all the intellectual snobbery floating around, that you could say this was any better than any other band i've heard cover the stones.

    i've seen the slip a few times now and continue to go see them because the come so highly recommend from from a scene of music lover that i love and respect. I guess as our little community grows, there is bound to be some division of taste. diversity can be the spice of life.

    my ego is not bruised, i was merely looking for someone elses OPINION as to why they thought the show was inspiring. that was my motivation. though i admit that after you called me a 'nob-gobbler' things got a lillte diverted.

  8. TASTE

    1. To distinguish the flavor of by taking into the mouth.

    2. The sense of what is proper, seemly, or least likely to give offense in a given social situation.

    3. A personal preference or liking

    okay i can see that, especially numer 1


    1.A group of students who are taught together because they have roughly the same level of academic development.

    2. A set, collection, group, or configuration containing members regarded as having certain attributes or traits in common; a kind or category

    3. A social stratum whose members share certain economic, social, or cultural characteristics

    4. Social rank or caste

    mmmm..... thanks for clearing that up. now it all makes sense.

    so your personal preference or liking for distinguishing flavours by taking into the mouth, containing members regarded as having certain attributes or traits, is of a social rank or caste of it's own.

    Thank you mayor of the 4th dimension your definitely in a class of your own.

    see irony. see also ego

  9. sorry captain zero but apology not accepted. normally, i might accept your apology but i've been hanging around in a skidbag bar all afternoon, with my peers, and i've gotten a good drunk on. I'm sure you can relate to that. i wonder what its' like not to have many 'peers' that can relate to your intelligence, sounds lonely.

    so maestro, have a good show tonight. i look forward to listening to your 'comprehensive case '.

  10. so it's okay do have an opinion but if it's different then yours, i'm a misinformed putz??!!?? i have yet to hear your strong case for why last nights music was so tight, so perfect. I did hear about how wasted you got and how you're so fu©king headie because you know and ate dinner with the band. yes you like the slip. to YOU they are in a league of there own. to ME they didn't perform a show that was that impressive. you have no idea who i am or how many shows i've seen. just because you might know the difference between a D major and a D7 flat 9 does make you an expert on what my opinion should be. if think i'm such a putz or was it nob gobbler, then next time i'll introduce myself and you can tell me to my face

  11. so now your adding physic psychic abilties to your little bag of tricks? how could you possibly know if you 'seen a great many more and varied musicians then (me)'? i have no doubt that my opinions are beyond you, your too busy nob gobblin (that's what you called it champ) to hear anything but gold, which okay. when you love a band then they can do no wrong. honestly, if you heard say, the burt neilson band, cover 19th nervuos breakdown like the slip did, you would say it sucked. becuase it was the slip you think it gold. lets not even get on the topic of vocals....

    so ballitic boy, name call all you want, make threats tough guy, i guess when it comes to opinions you're the only one allowed to have one.

    maybe the reason you don't have any peers is because you can be such an a$$hole, that of course is just my opinion.

  12. well well well mr zero. for a big time music critic your lack of objectivity seems some what eschewed. didn't you watch almost famous??? you can't become their friends if you wish to rise to the ranks of greatest music critic of the century. you've lost your point of view. how can you honestly have so much to say about every other band that doesn't let you have dinner with them? I said that i recognized thier talent, they can play, no doubt about it. but from from the point of veiw of a non-idolizing fan i thought the show lacked any sort of flow. the last half of the second set was good but the rest didn't quite lock in. The rhythm section diffenatly lacked some tightness, which i thought even you would notice. maybe all that tin foil was getting in your way.

    getting ballistic yet champ??

    i have really enjoyed listen to your opinions on music. you have come out and said some things that need to be said when no one else would step up to the plate (myself included), but i have to say i am disappointed in your ability to seperate the fan from the music critic. maybe you should give almost famous another look.

    seriously though, i thought that the slip were okay and like every band that puts it on the line, it doesn't flow or click every time. Maybe, tonight will be a different story. I just thought based on the hype the show was going to be a little different. maybe my expectations got in the way.

  13. I really didn't think the show was all that great. It was okay, but not much of a step above the local talent that everyone(tin foil cowboy)seems bash all the time. yes, they're talented, they know all the fancy jazz moves, but as far a show goes i thought it didn't really live up to the hype. There was no real flow, yes they can bring diferent styles but i didn't think that they blended them together all that well. again no real flow. also considering all the hype, i really expected them to be a whole lot tighter. there where lots of moments where the bass and drums weren't tight and some of the jams were kinda sloppy. notice i said moments. some it was tight and when the decided to rock it out, i was dancing, but the rest had me yawning. these guys are okay but i think they are a little too hyped up.

  14. I've partied on everything at least once and have seen many a person get themselves in trouble with addiction. But you don't bash the liquor store because someone has whiskey addiction. When someone has a problem all you can do is offer support, the rest is up to them. Making threats and passing judgement seems a little harsh, though I admit i don't know the situation. I guess what really made me comment on this thread is where to you draw the line on what is a 'good' drug and'bad' drug. Someone might say that marijauna is the evil weed and anyone who smokes it, grows it or sells it is evil and should re-evaluate what the they are doing, some might say that for booze, or coke or E or in this case oxycontin. I always say that it is up to the individual to decide what is right for them and if things go wrong the only person to blame is themselves. I wouldn't want some anger wife upset at me because i gave her husband a healthy chin ride on my accommodater ::

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