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Posts posted by zero

  1. You know it was interesting for me this weekend because while I was tuned into what was going on I was quite happy to read my Sylvia Plath poetry, do some writing, listen to the Slip and ponder their output (that band does something for me that Phish never did). I guess it just reminded me of how much time and money we have invested in this band over the years. I'm sure some of us could be maestros or astronauts (not just psychonauts) if we had put as much time into personal development as we have this band. Just a thought.

    Death and Co.

    Sylvia Plath

    Two, of course there are two.

    It seems perfectly natural now——

    The one who never looks up, whose eyes are lidded

    And balled? like Blake's.

    Who exhibits

    The birthmarks that are his trademark——

    The scald scar of water,

    The nude

    Verdigris of the condor.

    I am red meat. His beak

    Claps sidewise: I am not his yet.

    He tells me how badly I photograph.

    He tells me how sweet

    The babies look in their hospital

    Icebox, a simple

    Frill at the neck

    Then the flutings of their Ionian


    Then two little feet.

    He does not smile or smoke.

    The other does that

    His hair long and plausive


    Masturbating a glitter

    He wants to be loved.

    I do not stir.

    The frost makes a flower,

    The dew makes a star,

    The dead bell,

    The dead bell.

    Somebody's done for.

  2. So I do intend on writing a big piece but I just can't keep this back. This new song that is listed as My Landlord which everyone has been talking about is to my ear a straight hybrid of two Broken Social Scene songs. I haven't quite identified the body or verse but I want to say it's a slowed down Stars and Sons. The chorus is most definitely (%100) Anthems For A Seventeen Year Old Girl with different lyrics. There is a sort of bridge that is uniquely the Slip where the My Landlord lyrics occur and it has the effect of hybridizing these two different songs. I find the whole thing fascinating and wonder whether it was just a comp in the setting of this concert or whether that is the actual song. The lyrics are all Brad's and they work really well on the frame of the BSS songs but I want to say my intuition here is correct.

  3. I listened to the Truck all weekend and seriously you don't even want to get me going. One of the most phenomenal concerts I have ever heard let alone them play. It is really just that good. I could easily write a few thousand words about my miriad thoughts on the whole thing (and will).

  4. I haven't quite thought of the best analogy for this thought but here goes. A good deal of what made Phish so unique was the huge repertoire and the chance that they would dip into any aspect of it at any time. Put in business terms that is their distinctive competency, that is their brand, that is their niche. The Phish product has to do with an audience deeply invested in time, money and other resources with a broad repertoire. I truly feel Phish should die by the sword they lived by. It's like they built an arcade that was known for having all of these rare old cool games and occasionally bringing in the newest hot games so everyone flocked to this arcade. But at some point the new games weren't all that hot and the old games were increasingly generic and lacked variety and people started to feel like it just wasn't the same place. I really feel strongly about this idea, they built a business and marketing plan a whole new or relatively new model of enterprise and it was built around the fierce involvement of their fans in their repertoire. But they just couldn't deliver on that proposition.

  5. This is interesting:

    I just got back from Coventry- it was possibly the worst and most depressing concert i have ever been to. The first set was raging and everyone in the crowd was really excited for the rest of the night. The second set opened with DWD which was sick. As soon as Page broke out crying the night went down the drain. It was really sad watching Page and you really could feel for him. But then after the song is over Trey breaks out crying and becomes a drugged-up mess for the rest of the night...

    highlights included:

    -Mike/Trey making idiots of themselves "bumping" with their moms and other various stage hands, etc.

    -A seven below that featured a vocal jam b/c they couldnt remember how to play it.

    -No one in the band could remember the lyrics to Simple. "We've got _____"

    -Trey inventing 20 minute songs about his crew prancing around directing the audience and the band on what to do.

    -A REDO on curtain with...the final song ever.

    -After the Curtain with the guys left the stage, walked around back and each got into seperate tour busses, it was all a joke, they don't give a fucken damn. after seeign that concert, i can say that i hate Trey for being such an egotistical bitch who doesnt care about his career, fans, or family.

  6. Now little bits and pieces of info are coming out about a late night set maybe bluegrass:

    i heard a rumor that fish/mike/page played a late night set and trey was nowhere to be found.. and then he showed up for the last 10 minutes or so not sure if there's any truth to it

  7. Seriously I have been feeling really weird about this whole thing (as everyone must). Mainly because I wasn't able to go but after hearing about all the heartache getting in (or not) I didn't know what to feel. I echo secondtube's sentiment that he had to just turn it off. I got an update from Weirdness on Friday between the second and third and he was nonplussed at that point. I wasn't on the net so I was getting updates by phone but last night I really was wondering when the goods were going to come out. I thought the third would definitely have at least a couple of gems (i.e. songs that haven't been played in a while or at least this last tour). But where's the goods? Is it the impromptu Bruno or Dickie fu©king Scotland? I'm sure it was highly emotional, charged at points, doesn't show on paper what went down and all of that but sh!t guys. Could they not have dusted off Fee or Esther, It's Ice, Alumni Blues, Letter To Jimmy Page, Dog Log, Fluffhead (that everyone wanted to hear not that it matters much), which is to say nothing of ANY Gamehendge tunes (Llama, Tela, McGrupp, Forbin, Mockingbird although I guess they played AC/DC Bag). Really anything just a touch further from the staid norm. I mean on paper the rarest stuff looks like The Wedge, Fast Enough For You and Brother- whoopdeefuckingdoo. I don't know flame away but this seems really typical of Phish to me. They really must literally not know how to play these songs anymore and they likely didn't rehearse because I can't make any sense of it. Who knows how they are going to make things up to everyone but this one seems like it's dead in the ground. The curtain call closer is slightly classy but seriously. For all the heartache you'd think they would've dug a little deeper. Hell there wasn't even a late night set from what I can see, hell they didn't even really do many Fishman tunes (if any?). Tools.

  8. He's on site, got into the VIP last night in an RV after waiting for about ten minutes. Anyway, he's walking around and confirmed both the hay/grates/road-building story and the stage sinking. Apparently the back right corner of the stage rigging is slowly making everything slide that way. Obviously they are working feverishly to shore it up, and they're saying a crane is the only option and they can't get that in there until the new road is usable. Wow.
  9. Not sure if I like the idea of you 'tossing something off' for us and god telling you to stop touching yourself. Do think about us though I know I'll be thinking about all of you.

  10. Yes I echo MarcO's sentiment. I haven't seen them in ages but I still feel really connected to them. It really feels eery to know this is really the end. It's the end of all of our extended adolescences in a weird way to (and a good way).

  11. That Tears of A Clown probably rocks. I can totally imagine Gordo laying it down and everybody getting it- wonder who the guest vocalist was or what the story is. Hold Yourself High I can't place for the moment is that the one with the lyrics 'head held high'. Fitting.

  12. Can't think of my five off hand but I just wanted to say that The Unicorns were just as charming live at Hillside as they are on recording. You can tell they have a twisted comraderie and deep bond. I know they are associated with Montreal but aren't two of them from Campbell River, BC? Anyways they really killed at Hillside. I've heard funny stories since like when they turned up in town to pick up their passes they asked if they were allowed dogs on the island which they were told they weren't (they later incorporated an electronic talking dog into their set that didn't talk or do whatever it was supposed to so the whole thing sort of fell apart). I also gathered later they were ripped to the gills on mushrooms during their set which also makes perfect sense in hindsight cause they were even odder then you would have anticipated. They invited a couple of their scenester buddies up on stage during their set to do a bongo solo which was obviously a dig at the pseudo tribal drum circlers that abound at Hillside. When in rome.

  13. Read some other good dirt about Dave liking to give golden showers and more:

    Ummm...well, I don't want to get too into it since I live in his adopted "hometown", but the rumor of it came to me via some well-connected people. It seems a friend of a friend managed to hit a post-concert party. Apparently, she adored the guy. Unfortunately, he was all hands: the picture of them together is Dave drunkenly and desperately trying to stick his hands down her pants. I mean, literally, that's her souvenir. And the big joke at the party was that Dave loves pissing in girl's mouths, but the "Nancies" pretty much don't mind (hell, they stick around, don't they?)

    We all just though it was a joke until we asked some of our older friends here. Turns out it's completely true. Yeeech.

    this is funny so armed with my new knowledge I asked my friend about that girl who hooked up with Dave. Much to my surprise we had the following IM convo. names changed to protect the innocent

    me: so that girl s****, was she a one night wonder with dave matthews or more?

    miz: one night i think

    miz: why?

    me: i heard a rumour that he is a sex fiend and likes to urinate in chick's mouths. RUMOUR but hell he shits on chicago boat goers

    miz: dave matthews ate out her ass

    miz: so i wouldnt put it past him

    me: get out!

    me: ahahahaha

    miz: true story

    me: oh too funny

    me: more

    miz: he stopped the process and told her he had a fetish

    miz: she said what is it

    miz: he said i want to eat out your ass

    miz: she said go for it

    miz: munchy

    me: hahahaha

    miz: the next time he came to town she got the heisman

    miz: so i have heard

    me: after she let em do that, boooooooooooooooo

    me: she is still so hot

    miz: yes . . . i cant look at her the same . . shes dirty, spread em for anyone

    me: who cares

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