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Posts posted by Hux

  1. Mind you if you go into strict budget figures and compare how much money is going into an initiative from one party to the next, keep in mind the conservatives are the fiscal problem solvers and have always been a little tight on the wad.

    So how do you explain:

    a) (Since you're talking "budget figures") that the last two Conservative Budgets have been the biggest spending in Canadian history? The Harper Gov't in each of the last 2 years has spent more than than Trudeau, Mulroney, Chretien or Martin ever did in any of their years as PM.

    B) By spending so much and eliminating the prudence/contingency reserve of 3 billion the Libs used to keep as a cushion in case of a crisis (ie. SARS, natural disasters), the Conservatives have decided to spend spend spend, in the moment, but with the economy in a downturn - they have put the country's books a hair away from deficit spending?

    c) That conservative governments here and in the US always leave the biggest deficits and debt. In the previous Conservative gov't (Mulroney) more public debt was accumulated by any post WWII gov't -->COMBINED. In, Ontario the Harris/Eves gang made all the cuts but still left a $6 billion deficit. In the US it is the Republican/Conservatives who always run up deficits and debt, the Reagans/Bushs vs. Clinton etc.

    And also to ensure those powers (business) that are able to spur economic growth on their own without government expenditure are given the opportunity to do just that. It's pretty important.

    Now you're talking like a Libertarian and like the old Reform Party who used to characterize gov't encouraging growth in an industry through investment as "corporate welfare"...Harper used to be a believer, what do you think of his "$250-million, five-year automotive innovation fund" that on the eve of an election dolled out $80 million to fund "a financial aid package to help reopen Ford's mothballed Essex engine plant in Windsor, Ont"...just curious how you square that with your Libertarian beliefs.


    I can see why the hardcore rightys say Harper became "Liberal light", he stopped being a fiscal Conservative when he became PM.

  2. Hey bud.

    Fair enough mattm, but if the election results are something like:

    Con 121 seats

    Lib 120 seats


    ...and Paul Dewar wins Ottawa Centre by 1 vote over the Liberal candidate I will be pissed at mattm as by voting NDP he personally made Harper PM again ;) .

  3. FYI:

    Cannon primed but won't fire

    Transport Minister yet to implement new advertising rules for airline ticket prices

    Scott Deveau, Financial Post Published: Tuesday, June 17, 2008

    The new fuel surcharges adopted by Canadian airlines last month have not only riled consumer groups, politicians and passengers, they have sharpened the focus on why a bit of legislation that passed last summer, which would force airlines to advertise the full price of a ticket, has not been enacted.

    Michael Pepper, the head of the Travel Industry Council of Ontario, says he has a very simple answer why: "The Minister of Transport."

    Mr. Pepper and others claim there has been a distinct lack of interest on the part of Lawrence Cannon, the federal Transport Minister, to implement the new advertising rules, which, among other things, would force carriers to include all fees, charges and taxes in the advertised price of a ticket.

    The new fuel surcharges, which are not currently included in the advertised prices, are just the latest affront to consumers, Mr. Pepper claims. "Fuel is a cost of running an airplane. It should be included in the price of a ticket,"

    he said.

    When Bill C-11 received royal assent last June, no date was set for when the new rules would come into effect, allowing Mr. Cannon time to coordinate efforts between the federal government, which regulates airline advertisements, and the provinces, which regulate those of travel agents and tour operators.

    Mr. Cannon says that "informal meetings" have taken place with the airlines and the provinces, but that he "was unable to attain an industry consensus on how to handle airfare advertising."

    The Minister was expected to appear before a parliamentary committee today to detail what actions have been taken on implementing the section pertaining to airline advertisements, which has been stuck in a political purgatory for

    nearly a year.

    But Mr. Cannon opted instead to send a four-page letter to the committee detailing the bill's history and his predecessor's efforts to date. "It would be foolish to propose federal regulations in the absence of a consensus," he

    said in his letter.

    But that excuse doesn't fly with his critics in Ottawa, who have been pressing the Minster for a month for answers, as reported by the Financial Post.

    "It is a ridiculous piece of literature," said Joe Volpe, the Liberal transport critic, about the Minister's letter. "He's had our patience for more than a month ... This is clearly an indication that the government has neither the

    willpower nor the energy to address this issue."

    Brian Masse, the NDP transport critic, said he will join Mr. Volpe in calling for the Minister to implement an immediate course of action on the issue.

    "We're approaching this as a consumer rights issue," he said. "Obviously, the airline industry is going to have to respond to rising fuel costs, but consumers should be aware of that to make educated decisions on whether they are going to fly with a particular carrier or choose another form of transportation."

    The airlines say they don't object to the new law, so long as it would apply equally to both domestic and international carriers, travel agents and tour operators.

    "If everyone is doing the exact same thing, we're fine with it," said Richard Bartrem, WestJet spokesman. Air Canada and Air Transat have said the same.

    There is, however, a certain level of disorder in the industry. Ontario and Quebec legislated travel agents and tour operators in their provinces to disclose the full price of airfare and packages in advertisements, while those

    operating in other provinces and the airlines face no such requirements.

    The Association of Canadian Travel Agencies argues the scales are weighted in favour of the airlines and is urging the swift implementation of the new regulations. "Our members in regulated provinces already have to advertise the real price. If airlines and other provinces don't, it's not a level playing field," said Christiane Theberge, chief

    executive of ACTA.

    Mr. Cannon said in his letter he will continue to meet with the provinces and the industry stakeholders "to find practical measures to make airfares more transparent."


  4. Conservative MP's and candidates are given preferential access to the Conservative Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.

    It's common that opposition MP's who the Conservatives are targeting will be rendered "impotent" and inffective by removing powers normally available to them as MP's - such as requesting the Minister intervene in a case such as this, then suddenly in on a white horse rides Joe Blow, local Conservative candidate - and it suddenly gets done.

  5. While it sounds like the Liberal MP was neglecting the request for help, the bigger issue I think is a non-elected candidate being given the powers of an MP. That's truly undemocratic, but how the Conservatives operate all across the country "don't go to the Liberal MP, come to me and I'll have my friends in the Conservative gov't pull some strings" (and in turn you owe me your support).

    Dangerous precedent.

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