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Posts posted by Hux

  1. Tale of the Tape:

    Mickey Hart


    Mickey Hart is best known for his nearly three decades as an integral part of an extraordinary expedition into the soul and spirit of music, disguised as the rock and roll band the Grateful Dead. As half of the percussion tandem known as the Rhythm Devils, Mickey and Bill Kreutzmann transcended the conventions of rock drumming. Their extended polyrhythmic excursions were highlights of Grateful Dead shows, introducing the band's audience to an ever-growing arsenal of percussion instruments from around the world. Exposure to these exotic sounds fueled Mickey's desire to learn about the various cultures that produced them.

    His tireless study of the world's music led Mickey to many great teachers and collaborators, including his partners in Planet Drum. Planet Drum's self-titled album not only hit #1 on the Billboard World Music Chart, remaining there for 26 weeks, it also received the Grammy for Best World Music Album in 1991-- the first Grammy ever awarded in this category. Planet Drum is one of twenty-nine recordings released on Mickey's the WORLD series on Rykodisc. The WORLD offers a wide variety of music from virtually every corner of the globe with releases like Voices of the Rainforest from Papua New Guinea and Living Art, Sounding Spirit: The Bali Sessions. In 2002, Mickey established The Endangered Music Fund to return royalty payments from many of these recordings to the indigenous people that produced them, and to further the preservation of sounds and music from around the globe.

    Mickey's experiences have paved the way for unique opportunities beyond the music industry. He composed a major drum production performed by an assembly of 100 percussionists for the opening ceremony of the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games. Additionally, Mickey has composed scores, soundtracks and themes for movies and television including Apocalypse Now, Gang Related, Hearts of Darkness, The Twilight Zone, the 1987 score to The America’s Cup: The Walter Cronkite Report, Vietnam: A Television History, and The Next Step. In 1994 Mickey was inducted with The Grateful Dead into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

    Mickey has written four books documenting his lifelong fascination with the history and mythology of music. These include Drumming at the Edge of Magic, Planet Drum, Spirit into Sound: The Magic of Music, and Songcatchers: In Search of the World’s Music.

    Long a social activist, Mickey appeared in August, 1991 before the U.S. Senate Committee on Aging, speaking on the healing value of drumming and rhythm on afflictions associated with aging. Since joining the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function at Beth Abraham Hospital in 2000, Mickey is continuing his investigation into the connection between healing and rhythm, and the neural bases of rhythm.

    In 1999, Mickey was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress where he heads the sub-committee on the digitization and preservation of the Center's vast collections. In October of 2000, the Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center conferred an honorary doctorate of humane letters upon Mickey for his work in advancing the preservation of aural archives.

    Phil Lesh


    Phil Lesh is best known for his nearly three decades as a belligerent alcoholic with little or no creative input into the Grateful Dead, he turned things around slightly in the late 90’s when he grew the worst mullet in rock history.

  2. Hux - the bill has already gone through 2 readings. All that remains is a third reading and then Royal Assent.


    1st reading is basically introducing the Bill in the House, 2nd reading initiates debate in the House after which there is a vote to send it to Committee (which hasn't happened yet). If it passes at 2nd reading the Health committee puts it on their agenda and eventually will study it by hearing many witnesses in public hearings (you should attend!). After hearing witnesses the committee then does a clause by clause analysis of the bill (in many cases literally debating it word by word) at which time amendments are added and the Bill can be altered as little or as much as the committee chooses (note opposition parties have a majority on committees so the original (1st reading) version of the Bill can be pretty much gutted if the members choose to do so. Following that it returns to the House for more debate (report stage) then another vote (3rd reading) that if successful sends the Bill to the Senate. In the Senate it undergoes a similar process including another batch of public hearings at the Senate Health Committee. If more amendments are put up in the Senate then, yup you guessed it, more debate back in the House until there is agreement.

    Then it can get Royal Assent which also takes awhile.

    The other thing to keep in mind is most Bills that make a fair amount of regulatory change have attached to them a "coming into force date" which can easily be a year after Royal Assent which gives the relevant Departments a suitable amount of time to implement various changes the Bill requires.

  3. Last night in NB - looks good to me!

    Leonard Coehn


    Fredericton, New Brunswick, CANADA

    Dance Me To The End Of Love

    The Future

    Ain't No Cure For Love

    Bird On The Wire

    Everybody Knows

    In My Secret Life

    Who By Fire



    Tower Of Song


    Gypsy Wife

    Boogie Street



    I'm Your Man

    Take This Waltz


    Heart With No Companion

    So Long, Marianne

    First We Take Manhattan

    Closing Time


  4. Maybe the government should speak with those on the Canadian Association of Herbal Practitioners or maybe the Canadian Naturopathic Association or maybe the Canadian Health Food Association to get a completely separate thing in regards to the natural health industry.

    Penelope Marrett, president of the Toronto-based Canadian Health Food Association said there are misconceptions about Bill C-51. "People need to remember that we're an already regulated industry," she said. "Because these regulations are much newer than others, their variations [under Bill C-51] may not be as great."

    Marrett said the bill does not suggest the removal of natural health products from store shelves.

    "Herbalists and naturopaths will still be able to provide the products and the compounds that they do under the current situation," she said


    PUBLICATION: Times Colonist (Victoria)

    DATE: 2008.05.12

    EDITION: Final

    SECTION: News

    PAGE: A7


    BYLINE: Sonja Puzic

  5. I think the issue here is that people are reading the Bill and assuming that:

    a) that is the final version that will be passed, and

    B) that the discretionary powers the bill grants to the Minister will be used with almost military-like zeal, ie. the Health Canada storm troopers are going to knock down your door to seize your raisins.

    Find me a country in the world where you need a prescription for vitamin C? Some of the things being assumed are in the tin-foil hat category. People should just relax a little.

  6. I am in fact reading the bill. It seems quite clear to me, that the intent is to only have a doctor (practitioner) deemed by the minister, to be able to prescribe a "therapuetic product". (as one point to mention)

    What section is that?

    Maybe the government should speak with those on the Canadian Association of Herbal Practitioners or maybe the Canadian Naturopathic Association or maybe the Canadian Health Food Association to get a completely separate thing in regards to the natural health industry

    That will in fact happen at (mandatory) committee hearings on the Bill in the House of Commons and Senate.

    The argument that the government is trying to rush this though could also be turned around to say that by holding the vote at second reading within a month of introduction actually puts the bill before the Health Committee and thus public hearings more quickly.

    not have to make a doctors appt. in order to get my Vitamin C!!

    Now come on now, don't be ridiculous.

    My question is why this has been kept so quiet and no one seems to report these changes on tv, radio or even find some other way to let us know of the changes.

    "If it bleeds it leads" I believe is the old saying.

    Believe me, I'm the last guy on the planet who would defend this government, but after reading all the hysterical form-letter emails then attending a briefing with Health Canada officials, I can assure you there is a lot of dumbing down of C-51 going on.

    I'll keep you posted on what I come across...

  7. The only wars that exists that you should worry about are between RIAA and ISP's against BitTorrent. Also RIAA against DRM, RIAA against consumers, ISP's against consumers, and Bush vs. Humans.

    You forgot the ongoing Hux vs. "the overuse of acronyms" war.

  8. I will caution that while I don't necessarily support this Bill, in my job I am required to research most of them that come along and in this case, opponents of the Bill are using some of the most ridiculous, inflammatory and sweeping language in their campaign to deride this thing that I have ever seen, such as:

    Bill C-51 removes our right to buy, sell and use natural health products freely to protect our own health.


    prescrip. for herbs and vitamins!!!


    It appears that our Government is trying to fast track this bill before anyone has a chance to challenge it. Bills normally take months to pass not weeks.

    ...which is totally misleading as it isn't even procedurally possible. No Bill can be passed without being dicussed at committee where relevant witnesses including opponents can rip it to shreds if they want.

    There are a lot of nuances in the Bill and it is very complex, I encourage everyone who cares about the issue to try to take an unbiased view and examine both sides of the issue.

  9. If you have a moment, I'd really appreciate your 2 cents on this...


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  10. their prices are crazy. Roti platters weren't much more than 10 bucks before, and cod cakes were probably about 5 bucks.

    Recovering from their loss has hit their menu prices pretty hard.

    Srsly? Have you ordered from the "new" menu yet? My guess is they have increased portion size, my shrimp roti was about the size of my head and had about a dozen good size shrimp in it - $11.95...GREAT deal in my books...

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