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Posts posted by Hux

  1. Thanks for coming out Tom and everyone....we are getting our show-legs back, it's great to have an understanding audience who is supportive. 3 shows in 7 days! a few too many song repeats, but we'll be back soon with some new new stuff, and some new old stuff.

    We are thinking about bringing a sax player on board as well, that was fun, thanks Jordy and Julius. Thanks for taping bradm!

  2. I really wanted to avoid getting in on this, but I think I can maybe offer a bit of perspective....

    Firstly I want to say that I consider Brad Beamish and Graham Pearson to be friends of mine, sure I have some differences with their approach, but I think it's a lot easier to get through times like these by making every possible effort to keep things cool on a personal level.

    From my knowledge, these guys basically came to the conclusion that their contribution would be better served if they were "on their own", the reasons for this, I don't know, I assume they got pissed off at something, and then made the decision to "go it alone" instead of trying to resolve problems or work things out, again, I don't know the details, and maybe they were justified in doing this. I dunno.

    AND....I don't think there's any problem with having 2 websites devoted to this great scene, how many million websites are there out there on every topic know to man..?...exactly...

    But I think that what really needs to be resolved is this "divide and conquer" mentality. Instead of devoting energy into wooing the regulars off of this site and onto another, why not put that energy into finding NEW people to join the scene, the whole thing to me is like Quebec separating from Canada, and then getting pissed off that no Canadians will visit their country...?? ya know?? There are so many untapped "markets" such as the university campuses (Carleton!) that are just sitting there waiting to be tapped, yet people are more concerned about wooing long-time regulars in the scene, who are gonna go to every show anyways, regardless of promoter, or which website pushes the gig. There are flyers dumped at all the shows saying "visit jamhub, you ONE source for....whatever whatever..." that pretty much explicity tells me that the efforts are being put into "divide and conquer" over "grow and nurture". The same goes for show listings...I mean why can't there be 1 official listing of all the Ottawa gigs....?? It really is hard to believe that someone supposedly devoted to "growing the scene" and all these lofty hippie values, doesn't even list all the gigs that are going on in town on a given night....for what reason..??

    It's personal that's why.

    There is resentment on a personal level beween people in this scene who have taken on the role of "gate-keeper" be it webmaster or promoter, and it's the regular music lovin' folks who get shit on. I think if someone is going to take on this role, and really do it right, they need to realize they are performing a service for the community AS A WHOLE, and should treat everyone the same...be it booking bands, or informing the community. The minute personal resentment becomes a motivating factor, things start to rot, the rumours swirl, and things generally get ugly. see above.

    And some people have asserted that we should be grateful to Nugget for bringing all these bands into town. While I don't want to undermine the hard work Brad has done in the past year or whatever, it must be stated, that we really didn't need anyone to perform this service, the crowds really haven't gotten that much bigger at these shows, and it really is such a small scene, it's not hard to book venues or of town bands.

    So basically, I think if the parties in question can't stop mixing community "business" with personal resentment, they should stop performing a "service" for the community, because they're dividing more than they're

    serving, and this aint' "our way" to do this!

    It's become public, and if it continues, it will further tarnish our scene which otherwise has a great reputation.

    The whole thing, very seriously makes me sick, and at times I want to put down my guitar and simply not bother anymore. It's about the MUSIC, I get plenty of politics from 9-5. There needs to be resolution and healing. Soon. I will do anything I can to see it happen.


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