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Posts posted by timouse

  1. It's Too Bad people hate Nickelback. Someday, people will see Chad Kroeger for the Rockstar he is. The guy can fellate himself? That may make him a Leader of Men, a Hero, but I don't want to see a Photograph.

    i really wish people would quit bringing that up. my imagination regularly feeds me unbidden disturbing images, it doesn't need the extra help.

  2. The version of Hurt that Cash did... even Resnor should leave it alone now.


    What songs do you feel that there is one version so strong that no one should attempt a cover?

    For me, two of the untouchables are Van Morrison's original recording of Into The Mystic and Rust Never Sleep's perfect Trasher, one of my favorite Neil Young moments.

    have you heard stephen fearing's version of thrasher?

  3. dear winter, thanks for the slow melt. you could have been a total peckerhead and flooded my basement, but you didn't.

    thanks as well for introducing new moisture to my watershed, as greg said, deep lakes and rivers this year...

    see you next year.

  4. very cool.

    we live outside of guelph and have seen all sorts of deer tracks in the field behind our house. a couple of times walking in the cedar woods we've found (or more accurately the dog found) impressions in the snow where deer have laid down for the night. never gotten that close to one of them though. maybe i need to borrow your deer suit :)

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