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Posts posted by timouse

  1. nature clean all the way.

    corporate cleaners scare me' date=' and are likely not very septic system friendly.[/quote']

    And if they aren't septic system friendly, then they ain't human system friendly either.


    having your own well and septic system tremendously personalizes what's acceptable to put down the drain.

    not that i would do nature clean dish soap shooters necessarily, but i know what most of the label items are on their products, as opposed to the big guys.

    this would be a good spot to reference wendy mesley's chasing the cancer answer.

    there are a lot of links between household cleaners and skyrocketing cancer rates.

    happy happy happy...

  2. come celebrate the end of winter at the Spring Miscellany!

    held at the Eden Mills Community Hall, it's an evening of poetry and music.

    Doors open at 7:30 p.m

    readings and music start at 8:00 p.m.

    From 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. we will be observing Earth Hour with lights out.

    Featuring: Kim Anderson, Pierre DeLune, Janice Kyluk Keefer, Liz Nagel, Harri Palm, Erin Robinsong, Jeremy Shute, Josh Williams (yes, that Josh Williams), Joshua Willoughby and Marie Davis Zimmerman.

    There will be tea, coffee, juice and beautiful desserts for sale. All money raised will go towards the day to day running of the Community Hall. There will be Art by local Artists on display as well a Silent Auction with art work, jewellery, books and prints.

    Tickets cost $15 and can be purchased from the Bookshelf in Guelph or from Kit at 519-856-188 or e-mail emmpca@sentex.net

  3. Would you be concerned if you found out that someone you knew was addicted to heroine or cocaine?

    Being addicted to "a mythological or legendary woman having the qualities of a hero" is cause for concern?

    and if it was socially acceptable and possible to have one of those in my mouth 20 x a day... :)

  4. Yup- you know being a reformed smoker- I must say- smoking is cool to me! - - I can still remember how good they tasted! But really, and I don't know why I weigh in on this when I am utterly silent on the board otherwise, if you are sneaking smokes while saying your quitting then you not quitting- I'm all for supporting the effort put into stopping smoking since it is apparently bad for your health (not that living in the world today isn't in many ways) but I firmly believe that this is a cold turkey situation. The more you drag it out the worse it is...it’s like a BandAid on a hairy arm- just rip it off quick. Ok maybe that is a bad analogy but I bet you can relate to what I'm saying.

    And honestly those three months were some of the hardest months I ever went through- but I also think if a weak willed person like me can manage it anyone can do it if they put their mind to it.

    So bottom line- enjoy it while you can and quit when and if you’re ready!

    Smoke 'em if ya gott'em.

    what she said. it will be two years for me and niffermouse come this june, and the only secret is to never have another cigarette again.

    on the minus siude, it was months of reprogramming myself, on the plus side, the chronic bronchitis and chest infections that used to plague me every winter are gone.

    i tried for years to quit, and totally agree that "you will do it when you're ready." if you feel like you might be ready, check out Allen Carr. His book made all the difference for jennifer and i...

    in a nutshell, if you think quitting smoking means that you are giving something up, you will feel bad about it, and the process will be harder. if you can realize that you are addicted, and that you are in fact breaking free of that addiction, it will be much easier...or at least that's how it worked for me :) your mileage may vary.

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