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Posts posted by Stapes

  1. I've got a great idea...just like they weight how many electoral college votes a state gets by population, individual votes should be weighted by intelligence of the person voting! So the millions of Johnny Rednecks down south who are saying we should just nuke everybody else might only count for a half or a quarter of a vote each, while all the people who actually know whats going on might actually count for 2 votes each. Whaddya think, do you think its too late to get them to recount this election??

    :: :: :: :: ::

    Here's the average IQ by state according to the Ravens APM:

    AVG IQ AVG Income '00 Electoral

    (1) Connecticut..................113 $26,979 Gore

    (2) Massachusetts................111 $24,059 Gore

    (3) New Jersey...................111 $26,457 Gore

    (4) New York.....................109 $23,534 Gore

    (5) Rhode Island.................107 $20,299 Gore

    (6) Hawaii.......................106 $21,218 Gore

    (7) Maryland.....................105 $22,974 Gore

    ( New Hampshire................105 $22,934 Bush

    (9) Illinois.....................104 $21,608 Gore

    (10) Delaware....................103 $21,451 Gore

    (11) Minnesota...................102 $20,049 Gore

    (12) Vermont.....................102 $18,834 Gore

    (13) Washington..................102 $20,398 Gore

    (14) California..................101 $21,278 Gore

    (15) Pennsylvania................101 $20,253 Gore

    (16) Maine.......................100 $18,226 Gore

    (17) Virginia....................100 $20,629 Bush

    (1 Wisconsin...................100 $18,727 Gore

    (19) Colorado.....................99 $20,124 Bush

    (20) Iowa.........................99 $18,287 Gore

    (21) Michigan.....................99 $19,508 Gore

    (22) Nevada.......................99 $20,266 Bush

    (23) Ohio.........................99 $18,624 Bush

    (24) Oregon.......................99 $18,202 Gore

    (25) Alaska.......................98 $21,603 Bush

    (26) Florida......................98 $19,397 Bush

    (27) Missouri.....................98 $18,835 Bush

    (2 Kansas.......................96 $19,376 Bush

    (29) Nebraska.....................95 $19,084 Bush

    (30) Arizona......................94 $17,119 Bush

    (31) Indiana......................94 $18,043 Bush

    (32) Tennessee....................94 $17,341 Bush

    (33) North Carolina...............93 $17,667 Bush

    (34) West Virginia................93 $15,065 Bush

    (35) Arkansas.....................92 $15,439 Bush

    (36) Georgia......................92 $18,130 Bush

    (37) Kentucky.....................92 $16,534 Bush

    (3 New Mexico...................92 $15,353 Gore

    (39) North Dakota.................92 $16,854 Bush

    (40) Texas........................92 $17,892 Bush

    (41) Alabama......................90 $16,220 Bush

    (42) Louisiana....................90 $15,712 Bush

    (43) Montana......................90 $16,062 Bush

    (44) Oklahoma.....................90 $16,198 Bush

    (45) South Dakota.................90 $16,558 Bush

    (46) South Carolina...............89 $15,989 Bush

    (47) Wyoming......................89 $17,423 Bush

    (4 Idaho........................87 $16,067 Bush

    (49) Utah.........................87 $15,325 Bush

    (50) Mississippi..................85 $14,088 Bush

    [Host: The income-IQ correlation was inspired by the book "IQ and the Wealth of Nations," by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen. The income statistics are now perhaps a decade old, but were apparently the only numbers available to the original compiler when the results of the '00 election became available (and this chart was made).

    Commentary is welcome, send to gcharter@student.umass.edu]

  2. Less than 20 minutes earlier, Israeli television reported the 75-year-old leader was clinically dead. According to the reports, Arafat is being kept alive by life support machines at the hospital, where he had been receiving treatment for an unknown condition.

    Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia has also denied Arafat is dead.


    Now it's a party.

  3. Here's some more

    E-voting machines caught switching votes

    "U.S. voters calling in to a toll-free number had reported more than 1,100 separate incidents of problems with electronic voting machines and other voting technologies by late Tuesday during the nationwide election. In more than 30 reported cases, when voters reviewed their choices before finalizing them, an electronic voting machine indicated they had voted for a different candidate... In a majority of cases where machines allegedly recorded a wrong vote, votes were taken away from Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, or a Democratic candidate in another race, and given to Republican President George Bush or another Republican candidate, said Cindy Cohn, legal director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation... 'We're only hearing from people who caught it,' Cohn said during a press conference... 'It gives us this uneasy feeling we're seeing the tip of the iceberg.'"

    Wired news

    infoworld news

    ABC news

    E-voting machines lose 4,531 votes in North Carolina precinct

    WNCT-TV 9 Greenville | Submitted by: Reid Fleming

    "Ed Pond says when the numbers didn't match up, manufacturers told him: 'Of the votes we have, 3,006 is all we can recover. We said, "What do you mean?"' What that means is: of 7,537 voters, every one made after 3,005 were not saved in the computer memory. The Carteret county board of elections say their electronic voting system is owned by Unilect. Initially they told the board 10,000 votes could be stored in these computer systems. In actuality, it was 7,000... Luckily, Pond says this slip up was not large enough to change elected leaders... Both sides agree a backup or alert system should be in place for next election."

    East Carolina channel 9 news

    Sun Journal

  4. There's something happening here

    What it is ain't exactly clear

    There's a man with a gun over there

    Telling me I got to beware

    I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound

    Everybody look what's going down

    There's battle lines being drawn

    Nobody's right if everybody's wrong

    Young people speaking their minds

    Getting so much resistance from behind

    I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound

    Everybody look what's going down

    What a field-day for the heat

    A thousand people in the street

    Singing songs and carrying signs

    Mostly say, hooray for our side

    It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound

    Everybody look what's going down

    Paranoia strikes deep

    Into your life it will creep

    It starts when you're always afraid

    You step out of line, the man come and take you away

    We better stop, hey, what's that sound

    Everybody look what's going down

    Stop, hey, what's that sound

    Everybody look what's going down

    Stop, now, what's that sound

    Everybody look what's going down

    Stop, children, what's that sound

    Everybody look what's going dow

  5. Bush has also won the popular vote by a large margin, even if Kerry ends up winning Ohio! Votes for Bush 58,296,120 (51%), votes for Kerry 54,778,889 (48%).


    I think this is the most sobering statistic. Most Americans really do want Bush in power.

    Personally I think the most sobering fact is: out of some 293,027,571 people (July 2004 est.) only 113,075,009 votes got counted.

    For the "Greatest Democracy" in the world that doesn't seem like a very acurate representation of the will of the people. Let alone the fact that most states seem almost evenly divded.


  6. [color:"red"] "Peter... PETER!"

    "Yeah, I'm here man."

    "I don't wanna be walkin' around... like THAT..."

    Dawn of the Dead


    [color:"red"]What's the thing people remember about the Gulf War? A bomb falling down a chimney. Let me tell you something: I was in the building where we filmed that with a 10-inch model made out of Legos.

  7. Shainhouse,

    You'll find this section of the Patriot act pretty ironic after watchhing F 911.


    Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, nothing in this subtitle shall be construed to provide any benefit or relief to--

    (1) any individual culpable for a specified terrorist activity; or

    (2) any family member of any individual described in paragraph (1).

  8. Come on conspiracy junkies, what do you think? There are some great folks in that country and I don't think Kerry nor Bush will help the cause... the sh!t's going to hit the fan regardless I guess.

    Kerry is friends with The Dead and that gives me optimistic conspiracy theories.

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