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Posts posted by show---whore

  1. Fridat night at the casbah with the fat cats unreal totaly unreal. They now own the record for making me dance my hardest(nero took it from JSB) that eyes into morocha's i don't knnow what to say un-fucking-real i thought i was going to bust this show belive it or not was even better then the CTMF. How about Todd screaming the words into the mic on the first song of set 2, also what a great Rotan. Look out i have never sceen thses four guys going this hard. it was good to see the few skank from around here at the show. The casbah was fucking rocking. [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

  2. I just opened to mail box see a flyer mailed to be the House of Blues sayind that phil are now 29.50 for 200, 21.50 for 300 and 400 and 10.17 for section of seats. in all my years of buying tickets i have never seen this before. Does anyone no how many tickets have been sold it doesn;t look like much.

  3. Comparing two set of music

    Im not saying that Fat Cats or Nero are the best bands ever im just says that in those two tonight and those two sets of music who do you think had a better set of music for you. The Cats did it for me mentaly, and Nero got my ass shaking. I was happy to that Fat Cats are playing shows all summer at this leve on jamming [big Grin] These two are clearly the hightlights of the weekend and im looking to see if anyone can have an opinion on th is matter. [Eek!][Eek!]

  4. So im listening to both shows today trying to find the winner of the weekend, its been a tuff choice but im going have to give to the Fat Cats the were on fucking fire. Listening to this show i was thinking how did the stage not go up in flames. Im hearing things in the instruments and the singing that i havn't heard from the Fat Cats in a long long time. But some how Nero got me dancing harder then ever.

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