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Posts posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. hey! I've been working like mad the last two weeks... back on tomorrow.

    My Boss is a big Penguins fan... tattoo on his arm from '86... his brother in-law is a Detroit fan... tattoo on his heart...

    They call each other names... it's fun to watch!

    Oh yeah... anyone see Cherry lose his voice when he had that octopus puppet on his arm?

  2. The Finals look amazing. The talent, and systems of both teams are dynamic and flying at top speed. They are making some pretty good teams look pretty bad at the moment.

    I think Detroits got the edge though. And all because of one matchup: Chris Chelios vs. Gary Roberts. Chelios has his team humming on all cylinders.

    After all those years with cinderella teams from the west playing eventual cup winners from the South, a Lockout, and the Ducks goonery over my home team last year and the end of an era in O-town... it's nice to see a final where the two top (really, really) skilled teams meet in the finals to duke it out.

    There were alot of classic rounds too... San Jose, Dallas, Colorado, Detroit, Pittsburg, Philly, Montreal, and New York, Washington all made for some interesting stories during the Playoff so far.

    I still don't like the reffing... there should be a video ref who can make calls from a video control booth... and they should call EVERYTHING...

    I don't care if they play 3-3 all the time... no wait... I would... that would be awesome.

  3. I think we, in the ghost-fearing community, can say that the otherwise friendly ghosts looked down on Montreal after the April 21 rampage on Ste. Catherine St. and said that this city, these fans, at this time, didn't deserve their favour.

    Just exactly how many police cars were burned?

  4. Naw... more the 5 game streak early in the year... just to manage to crawl back to .500. I wish them all the best... but unless you got atleast 10 games on Boston or New York by the All-Star break... you don't stand a snowmans chance in hell of beating them down the stretch. That's okay... there' always next year. ;)

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