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Posts posted by Baj

  1. I heard a local talking about something bad being in the river too. Just as Reggaemuffin and I were pulling her canoe outta the river after goin down stream to a small set of rapids where we discovered a colony of THE craziest biggest freakiest spiders I have ever seen in real life. They were big black and meaty..even a bit mutated perhaps :P and maybe due to whatever is in that water? just a guess? They totally freaked us out though as we were playin around the rapids a bit and turning the canoe around which put us close to the riverbank and over hanging bushes which turned out to be these spiders colony. Definately a surprising discover...and were so happy they didnt fall onto us or in the canoe. Probably not harmless..but sure looked like it..who knows? Just a word of warning if you dont like freaky deeky spiders :P

  2. left at 2pm yesterday just got in the door 6am

    got held up at the border this morning coming back

    forever..even interagated ! what a long strange trip but definately worth it, my first ratdog show and loved it! Al from Moe. was sitting in to our surprise...such a great bonus to the night!

    They did a wild watchtower..and toward the end of the show bobby left for a bit while AL and Ratdog ripped it up into this amazing jam...thats all for now...i gotta sleeeeeep :) peace

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