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Posts posted by richbass

  1. My cousin just married an NHLer this past summer, and low and behold I saw him get an assist. Mike Weaver form the Los Angeles Kings. Guess that makes him my cousin in law??? Hope I get some tickets for the game if they come to Toronto.

  2. Hey man common is awesome, try some talib kwali, some mos def. They made this disc together called black star is some serious stuff.

    1 2 3 mos def and taib kwali..............the alliance in hip hop wayoooooo

    tribe called quest, krs-one, ill try and see what else..............

  3. lets see you write better songs? If they aren't so good. Warren is a good song writer, have you seen rising low? probably not! He wrote songs to fit each bass player, minus mike g. SO give it a rest warren is better than you think. Listen to you him jazz it up a bit. So just quit bashing and try to enjoy music rather than critizing it, when it comes down to it. Neither of our opinions really matter, at least not mine yet.......

  4. well perhaps, you should take a look at what else warren does. Jimmy Herring is more of my kind of player. Still I have seen people on here trash talking him. That's too bad. Vai and Satch are different guys, they rip for the sake fo ripping and how they do so and it's not for everyone. I saw G3 when they were in Toronto and once in a while to see a human play a guitar like that is fucked. DID NOT like malmstein, a serious wanker, but talented none the less, otherwise he wouldn't be there. Now check out buckethead, he can do his fair share of wnaking but can do anything else. Check him out man.

  5. I'm sorry but anyone who says nay, obviously has no idea what their talking about and probably doesnt play or understand music the way it should be. HUGE yay, he's all over the place and can rip better and tastefully than the most of them, I can't even believe this is up for discussion.

  6. Jeez, they were all so good..........

    Clapton is god

    Jeff Beck on blow by blow is tight but you gotta hear him with jan hammer group, or this dvd I have with him, santana, and this shredder damn forgot

    Jimmy Paige

    Steve Howe



    George Harrison


    I dunno thats too much from one place hehe

    come on how am I suppose to choose

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