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Posts posted by StellaBlue

  1. OK just wanted to bring this post back up to the top 'o' the heap..

    I know there is someone out there who can fiddle some sweet ol' bluegrass moosik.

    And my bassist just moved away ( and i cry..)

    So if there is anyone out there in jamcyberpace that lives near enough to downtown Ottawa and wants to come on out and experiment around with some bluegrass-fusion jamming, I am still trying to get some folks together to eventually play some gigs around town. I don't expect a 100% commitment right away... but if you wanna come out just to check it out thats cool too.

    As well this is not a strictly BluGrass band but that is just one of the many musical feels I hope to capture for this project. I want to comebine BG with funky 70s beats, jazz riffs, latino salsa ... the works!

    As I said I've written a bunch of stuff but I welcome any ideas crazy creative... I play keyboards and cello... and possibly banjo unless I can find some wonderful person to come out and do that...

    Influences (other than the obvious GD, Ph etc...):

    String Cheese

    Bella Fleck

    Gillian Welch

    Abigail Washburn

    Xavier Rudd

    Sun Ra




    PM me or email! lfedewicz@msn.com

    Cheers and Happy Thanks Giving!


  2. Hello all,

    Been a while since I've logged in!

    Anyways I am trying to put a bluegrass(ish) fusion-jamband together and am in desperate need of a violinist and a drummer.

    I have a bunch of material that I've written but any crazy creative stuff is welcome.

    Also I am not limiting it to "standard" bluegrass instruments so if you play something wierd and well, I'd love to toss it into the mix... hence the term "fusion-jam"

    The practice time sacrifice will be about 2 days/ week 1 weekend day and one evening...

    Anyone interested please PM me or email me at lfedewicz@msn.com



  3. I'll post my pic as my avatar when I get my real computer back... btw Bouche I ended up finding an appartment right across the road from where I work!!!! Woohoo! Sorry didn't get in touch sooner bout the biking in Hull, but life's been mental!

    It was nice meeting you and I hope I get to meet the rest of you O-towners that I've been chatting with!


  4. Well I thought of Hull/Gat. cause I heard it's cheaper. I work on Sussex just across the bridge. I am looking for anything from bachelor - 2 bedroom. Im willing to pay up to $700(which in Ottawa would get me a bach but in Hull/Gat. a 2 bedroom where I could set one up as a jam room.)

    So that is why I am favouring H/G at the present. Also i have a doggie.

    Bouche you said you know places where you don't need 1st/last in Hull? That would be sweet since I am a contract employee and i prefer paying month to month!

    As for the perverts, I've lived in Parkdale in Toronto... there were at least 3 hookers on my block all the time and a seedy strip club on my street... SO i ain't afraid of no pervs! haha

  5. Someone tried to tell me that:

    "IRREGARDLESS" was a word the other day.

    I told him that there was no such word and that it should be "REGARDLESS".

    He insisted it was a word, so I told him if that was so to show it to me in a dictionary. Sure enough it was there!!!!


    1. an erroneous redundancy for regardless.

    2. a mistaken fusion of irrespective and regardless.

    So it IS a word because it's in the dictionary but it's not a word becasue the dictionary defines it as such.

    Wait, isn't that the definition of IRONIC?

  6. Help!!

    I was wondering if anyone knew of anyone who is looking to rent a 1-2 bedroom in the Ottawa/Gatineau/Hull area....?

    Any info would be REALLY appreciated. I just moved to Ottawa and had a place I thougt was secured but I arrived to find it rented! BOO-URNS!

    If you don't know of anyone please kindly spare some change to the girl playing the cello on Rideau after Septmeber 1st. LOL!

  7. I'm definately gonna have to try this place:

    Name: Stoneface Dolly's

    Location: 416 Preston St, Ottawa - 613-564-2222

    Corkage Fee: Free corkage! No restrictions!

    Other Rules: They don't do: Take Home The Rest.

    I just moved here(Ottawa), 2 days ago and someone emailed me the BYOW website I posted. I thought that a $20 corkage fee in some places was hilarious since the last bottle of wine I bought cost $6.95... hahaha I told you i had no couth.

  8. "All Gone"

    Jim Guthrie

    Album "Now More Than Ever"

    a ringing phone

    you can never go

    back home

    the same goes for you

    a drone to call your own

    while laying around

    thinking of st. henry

    that’s where i’d take her

    cause one things for sure

    a forest needs a fire

    like the fire needs the tree

    it’s so dear

    and personal to me

    can you make something

    out of nothing

    and if i ever get back home

    grey autumn blues

    whenever the first leaf falls

    it falls for you

    a sound unknown

    can see was isn’t shown

    so pluck out your eyes blue

    so sight can’t betray you

    what offends your ear

    to what do you hold dear

    whats held has grown

    here’s your home

    cause a theif needs a

    diamond like a diamond

    needs a theif

    it’s so near

    and personal to me

    Hope its the one you were looking for!

  9. I can't believe SO many of you say the 80's sucked!! How can a decade when it was common place to see a guy walking down the street with a boombox on his shoulder, sporting neon green pants and a black and white checkered shirt "suck"?

    Infact, the term "sucks" originated in the 80s along with such gems as: "gnarly", "radical", "tubular", "grodie" and "goober".

    I was born in 1980. Being a child of the 80s was "totally wicked". It meant waking up to a big bowl of Fruitty Pebbles and an episode of Transformers, toting my Cabbage Patch lunch box and thermos to school, learning how to "Just Say No!", and playing Marble Madness on Nintendo.

    Back in the 80s before we became obsessed with "Reality T.V." and over-sexualized programming, T.V. was a family event! I have fond memories of watching an episode of "The Cosby Show", or "Who's the Boss?" over family dinners, or winding down in the evening with an episode of "Perfect Strangers" and a great big bowl of microwaved popcorn. Yes, I'll admit that these shows were "cheesy" and "sappy", but I'd take them over "Fear Factor" or "The Surreal Life" any day!

    It was an awesome time to grow up! Kids could remain kids for a little longer than they can now. The 80s did not "SUCK"! Infact they were pretty "gnarly".

    Besides, how can anyone say an entire decade sucked?? Especially one that gave us: Popples, Voltron, Nintendo, Pogo-Balls, Glow-Worms, "The Breakfast Club", Light Brite, "E.T.", Fruity-Marshmallow Krispies, the Thundercats, Watchimals, Michael Jackson's "Thriller", Teddy Ruxpin, Fat Albert, Jem and the Hollograms, My Little Pony, "Back to the Future", He-Man and She-Ra, Count Chocula and Frankenberry, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Hot Wheels, Fraggle Rock, Sharon Lois and Bram, Etch-A-Sketch, Skip-It, snap bracelets, Cheesestrings, Garbage Pail Kids, video arcades, CHIA PETS!!!....

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