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Posts posted by phishtaper

  1. Sure, he was a great man, and the Yonge St store was a music mecca. But I will shed no tears - the man died owing me $50.

    (When Sam the Record man declared bankruptcy, gift certificate holders were deemed unsecured creditors.)

    maybe you should have gotten your fat ass into the store then to buy some records instead of pissing on the guy's grave now. it's not like the bankruptcy was unexpected. :/

  2. 911memorial.jpg

    for all of our american friends and everyone around the world affected by the sad events 11 years ago today.

    (not intended to be a thread for blame, just memory and respect ... thanks)

  3. ok, so this now has to rank as the single most fucked up concert sale ever. was this a summer project for a high school student who's now gone back to class and cannot fix the mess?

    half the links in the Hip email don't work. you have to buy a football ticket in order to buy a concert ticket. you have to register on the ticats site to buy anything. now the "auction only" floors are $500/pr, but there is no way to actually buy them. jeesh.

  4. There is "some sort of charity" involved:

    The Hamilton Tiger Cats

    well, they will be homeless next year ...

    actually, correction, they will be on the road for the whole season, with each other CFL city hosting them twice (one as the "home" team) as well as moncton hosting them twice as the home team.

    i was just chatting with a colleague who is connected to the ticats and he indicated this hip concert was totally unexpected and seems to have come out of nowhere. he's not even sure how it came to be.

  5. And the floor seats are only available by auction?

    yes. which is why I suspect there may be some sort of charity involved. surely the band is not looking to gouge fans, but I guess I wouldn't be surprised if the ticats or the city were looking to do just that. the whole thing just looks fishy.

  6. hey all,

    the festival is this weekend. i wondering if anyone here attended the festival last year and can help me with question i have.

    what exactly is the deal up close to the stage? the photos from last year show a bunch of blankets spreadout on the ground with families sitting on them. are these blankets there all day and into the evening? ie., do people claim blanket space and then wander around?

    events have conspired that will allow us to possibly now attend the show (yay!) but im concerned about whether we will be able to wander up close to stand, dance and see the show, especially later on into the performers, or whether we will be stepping all over people's blankets who've been there all day and just wanna sit.

    i know, im a selfish asshole ... but im just wondering what i should expect. :)


  7. For the record, Bruce referred to the local attraction as "Magnet" Hill. Over and over.

    And...Tom Cochrane sucked balls. I was actually pleasantly surprised to see he was on the bill, I've seen him a few times (including a Moncton show circa 1983) and think he's written some really good stuff. He just could not sing any of his tunes. Like, none. Also, his band sounded not-so-very-tight. I'm guessing this was a one-off that they did little or no rehearsing for. If I'm wrong about that then he sucks even more.

    When he held Springsteen's arm up boxing-style after the show I wanted to find him and punch him. Here's hoping 'ersh did it for me.

    Please 'ersh. Please tell me you punched Cochrane in the face after the show. Or at least snuck some snot into his fruit cocktail. Please tell me these things.

    i can feel the love from here :)

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