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Posts posted by localcrew

  1. Yup, not all of the old members are around anymore-notably John Law and JJ. I went to the gig last night and it was fun-quite a packed house and a variety of musicians.....I am reminded why I don't get drunk much anymore-OH THE PAIN!

  2. All recorded on my computer.

    I have a midi pickup on my guitar to play keyboard-synth-sound effects (Roland Gk3 through a Roland GI-20) as well as a little keyboard (Creative Prodikeys which is a great value right now in town at PC Cyber [$40] as you can't find a small keyboard for less than $100 bucks anywhere that I could find-I don't use it much as I can't really play keyboard but I couldn't resist the price) and an electronic drum 'kit' (Yamaha DD-55c).

    I started recording the songs merely as a means to see how they all progressed outside of my imagination-which worked because I would come up with bridges in some songs as well as find where the songs dragged or were too short (not likely with my Deadhead ways) etc.

    Then I decided to work them up just enough to where I could use them as demos for other musicians to hopefully get interested enough to learn the songs and record them properly-to realizing that I may not get competent musicians interested enough and I may as well work them up some more because I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would-at least I can get the songs to a point where people might be able to enjoy them rather than have them languish away in my imagination forever.

    ...still with the hopes of doing something more 'professional' with them, but after more than ten years of fairly dedicated writing I feel it is a disservice to inspiration in general and the spirit of music to leave music merely on paper as it were...

    Probably more info than you wanted but there it is.....

  3. Thanks, I do dream of having a good band but sadly I am not a great organizer of humans and you know how musicians need to be herded like kittens.....just as you gather one up another scoots through your legs....another one runs out the door and gets run over by a car while another gets taken in by a nice old lady and de-clawed (perhaps what all musicians secretly hope for?)......

  4. China has told N Korea all along to lay off the nukes; told them not to test missiles (ignored) and told them not to test said nukes (ignored).....the Chinese (gov't/military) like to ignore but not be ignored in such a fashion.

  5. It is more worthy of discussion possibly the conundrum of pacifism. Sympathy always goes to the loser whether he was the aggressor and not to the victor even though he entered the fray in self defence. Sadly not always wishing for peace brings it about. I am not personally going to condemn US/British/Canadian troops for their efforts in WW2 or present; they certainly believe(d) they are (were) protecting us and who am I to tell them different.

    Comparing a modern day aggressive-fanatical regime such as North korea or Iran with an atomic weapon and the intent to use such with the desperation of the Allied forces after years of WORLD WAR against an opponent who was intent on draining every drop of blood of their youth is off the mark.

    I don't condone the existence of atomic weapons but living next to the USA for all of my forty years with their arsenal I have never felt the threat of them unleashing Hell on me......as you can see from the post of a member above they do not feel as assured in Seoul.....surely you can see the difference?

  6. As for why humanity acts this way-well it's just the human condition. I think it will take a miracle to change it-The Second Coming type miracle. Sadly I don't think even hard work will change it-you can only delay and try to deal with each calamity as it arrises.

    Of course the reasons a gang of religious fanatics who embrace death and prefer dealing out such death as a means to control the world and a Western democratic Nation with a standing army bear arms are obviously different.

    Certainly dealing arms should be outlawed as well as developing nuclear weaponry but it is unlikely to happen-however it is something that we can work towards-or at least 'at'.

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