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Posts posted by localcrew

  1. Good on ya.

    She is an amazing artist. Beyond talent is the thing because there are plenty of talented people who don't create anything very interesting while she is very creative.

    I was surprised as to how much more lovely she is in person than on tv or whatnot-I worked her show at the NAC a few months ago and she was very nice. It was interesting to see all the artistry involved in her show; shadow puppet actors and interesting lighting, video and audio techniques....cool stuff.

    There is one singer who would make me gush like you did-and what the heck it's better than being too cool and wishing you had said what was in your heart.

    I'd rather be a open fool than a cool fool.

  2. I gather that she still has to tour solo in the USA so doesn't actually play with her band all that much. That's a shame especially given that she is touring in support of her first 'full band' album and playing with them all across Canada.

    Still not big enough in the States I guess. She does a lot of shows there but they are all solo.

    It's a livin' but it must be kind of lonely. I've known fairly well known Canadian artists who have done the solo tour where they are literally alone driving all across the country and showing up for the gigs their management has booked.

    I gather Serena at least has some management traveling with her so it's not quite as bad in that sense.

    I wonder if she wouldn't be better off having her management book her as an opening act for some larger bands where she can bring her band and keep them in the loop.

    GOD imagine a show with her band opening up for Neko Case for example....that would blow my mind!

  3. ..what a brilliant show. That girl is a force of nature-I've never seen a better or more soulful singer......and I mean NEVER! I'd put her up there with any great singer you can name from any era; one of those singers that the best songs in the world are meant for.

    She isn't a 'jam band' and isn't singing ground breaking stuff but the soul she is singing from makes it clear that it's not the songs that matter so much as the voice and spirit they are delivered with. If I had a sixteenth or even thirty second of her delivery I would be happy.

    She is destined for greatness and you should really check her out live and give her some love along the way despite the industry respect she is getting in Canada.

    ....I am actually wondering if the industry is smartening up with their respect for the likes of her and Feist and folks like that.....

  4. Raising Sand.

    Nice. Love it.

    Im surprised-I didnt expect the industry to go so far out on a limb as to award this best album of the year.

    At least Radiohead didnt have to compromise their artistic integrity in winning it.

  5. I know exactly what you mean.

    I see chords and songs with certain vibes/shades/colours and in fact one of the things I most aim to do when writing songs is to have them embody certain hard to describe character whether it is in nature or something less tangible.

    I find it as hard to describe as you do. In fact I see that as one of the most valuable sides to music; the ability to speak to that stuff we all experience that goes beyond mere language and regular forms of communication.

    Did you manage to get my main page to load? I don't think there's anything in it that would stop it from loading-it's a simple page with a graphic and four links.

  6. Thanks..

    ..I'll get all melancholy with those memories too and start raving in hyperbole (would hyperbolic have worked here?) if I'm not careful...may the silver snowflake of days gone by incapacitate every hippy in your parking lot of dreams....

    ....Duprees ?..hey we knew that song...

    ...real horns?....nope nothing real at all except guitars and bass....which song are you thinking of? I might be able to tell you what soft synth it is....

  7. I'm not sure you can use this directly as a midi controller.

    I was looking at this a while ago and moved on because I couldn't get the info straight. From what I gather though is that you have to play it directly through a software front end on your computer before going into any other soft synth or recording software. I'm not 100% sure but this is what I gathered.

    It seems to me that this might really hit your latency. It looks cool and might work well on the other hand-I just didn't want to spend a couple hundred bucks to find out.

  8. After way too long working on it my music website is up with two albums for your listening and more to come relatively soon.

    Drop in and listen if you are so inclined. There is a forum if you would like to pipe up a suggestion or whatnot-I haven't listened to all the songs since being uploaded so let me

    know if you notice any problems.


    My Myspace site has also been updated with a new song and all the other songs that were on it have been remixed and should sound a little tighter.


    Who am I? Dave Muir-you may know me from Longbottom and the Music Never Stopped if you're an Ottawa area person-I was the one with the guitar.....

  9. I'm just heading out now.

    I set up the show this morning....going now to watch Neil and pack him up. I got a picture standing beside his big microphone from Rust Never Sleeps-will have to put it on my myspace since I don't have a single picture there.

    I got tickets for my daughter who plays guitar and my step daugther and two friends to take them to the show so all is well...keep on rocking in the free world!

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