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Posts posted by boiler

  1. I think Phish has almost as much crap as they do brilliant stuff, but if they are truly able to get back what they once had before everything got f'ed, than all power to them. They could be just like Aerosmith :/

  2. "My main question to all those people is, `Where were you?' Because I know they weren't at the bar any one of those nights."

    Exactly!!! Ironic isn't it.

    Did somebody forget to tell this Jack Ass how to GROW a business?

    Perhaps he missed that day of school.

  3. It's a tough decision Cowboy. I can understand not wanting to go back out in the field (especially on a damn tank in the winter). That's why I try to stay as a Nukey, it's much warmer (glowing warm in fact :cool:) . They wanted me to take that job on the tank as a welder, had to say no, I only have a CWB and not enough experience to go out as a welder.

    In the summer, when Hydro One went on strike, they picketed Pickering and I didn't cross then, but it was agreed that we would give them one day, any further picketing at our site (technically Hydro One doesn't have anything to do with the generation of electricity) but we did give them the day out of respect to unionism and then told them to picket at their own sites.

    Good luck cowboy, hopefully the strike/new contract will benifit you for the future.

    edit: and luck to Dr Evil Mouse as well and all other Skanks (teachers and students, if not especially for the students). If this happened a week earlier, I wouldn't have finished my apprenticship at Humber College. (I just wrote my Red Seal exam Friday).

  4. i think this needs to be investigated further, maybe she shit her pants too, and that's why she hasn't called back herself.

    Either way, if you'll just leave the name and number of where the shrooms came from, a scientific test can take place, with the Skanks as the subjects, to find if these particular boomers cause spontaneaous shitting in the pants.

  5. is it union code that if you belong to one particular union, you have to respect the strikes of all unions?

    Not necissarily, but to a certain extent yes. I think there are certain cases (Unions) that give all the other unions a bad name, such as CUPE. Their threat of a wild cat strike, while still under contract was a disgrace. Unions like this tend to hold the public hostage, I called that one unionist terrorism.

    This is NOT the case in this dispute. They have been without a contract since Aug 31 and 75% of the members voted to strike, legally. ref

    Why would manegment take conscessions off the table when the members have already voted to strike? This is baffling to me.

  6. strikes are messy biz.

    That I can totally agree with you on. I grew up in Cape Breton and I become very passionate about union issues.

    I remember when I was a kid, the coal miners were on strike and I would find another way around the DEVCO building (I used to take a short cut through there) because I would not cross their line.

    In the old days, in C.B., where much of North American unionism began, strikes were a bloody and sometimes deadly affair.

    Anytime a union goes on strike, we should be reminded of those days and hope we never go back to them. Remember, management WILL push workers around IF given opportunity. This is a fact of Capitalism. Unions still have a valid role in society.

  7. from that CBC article bradm refrenced:

    The union says the key issue is quality of education. It wants improvements to the workload formula to ensure smaller classes, more full-time instructors and more faculty time for students.

    Cowboy, is this not an issue that directly affects you and the other part time teachers? If the full time members are willing to fight for you, you better be prepared to stand with them in this contract dispute.

    Sure you may loose a paycheque or two, but what about the paycheques of the future?

  8. Fuck the strikers, cross the picket line. If you need to get paid, you need to get paid.
    i'm with mattm. the biggest thing that i detest about unions is that they completely ignore the people who truly want to work, irregardless of 'solidarity'.

    do your own thing. bring back some individualism.

    yeah, let's have union members start to just ignore strikes, cross picket lines and forget solidarity. That's smart.

    Seperate from the pack and make the duck easier to shoot.

    Cowboy, call the Hall brother.

  9. don't go to work.

    don't go to work.

    don't go.

    There's gonna be a pile of work next month. I'm headin to the Bruce. Put your name on the list. Johnny's looking for welders to go to a Tank right now.

    The intermediates are supposd to start school next week, looks like they're gonna get screwed.

    (sorry bout the shop talk)

  10. Yonder Mountain String Band, in my basement, right after their show at maybe Opera House.


    worst venue in the city.

    I totally agree, I retract that, can't even believe I said that. Got booted from the Gomez show there for *ahem * *cough* cough*. Besides that shitty experience, you can't move in the place. Going to the bathroom is a pain in the ass and most importantly, sound sucks.

    Maybe YMSB at the Palais Royale or Elmo, or best of all at CTMF.

    I'd also like to see Hot Butter Rum String Band up here, maybe even more than YMSB.

  11. I highly doubt there's any radiation source in a cell phone, so I don't think that radiation is the worry with cell phones. Maybe only when you sometimes have to stand outside in the sun to use them.

    Be more worried about the mantle in your coleman lantern (super radioactive), or if you're really worried about radiation be careful with bananas (oww the potassium in there glows baby).

    Most radiation that we are exposed to does not have the power to penetrate passed our skin, or it passes through us with little effect. You have to be exposed to a lot of radiation for it to become carcinogenic.

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