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  1. I LOVE 'The Earth Will Dissever And Consume You After These Messages'
  2. well, you've got some stiff competition, buddy. I've been dreaming of this prize forever haha
  3. Hey Zero, What's up? I hear youre trying to win the Best Thing Ever contest, too.
  4. and yes, Patchoulia..I totally missed my flight..I think I was up late the night before torturing slaves in the dungeon..overslept. I had to book another flight and almost missed it bc I left my passport in Brooklyn. That was a hell of a trip. I got there right in time to see Brazilian Girls and the New Deal, though. I'll def hit you up next time I'm in town. xo
  5. I LOVE you Canadians. I'll prob coordinate a trip w/ a tND show. That's how I like to do it. I've been dying to go to Montreal, though. I've never been and I just met an amazing photographer I'd like to shoot w/ who lives there. I'm in grad school right now though and money is tight..so who knows. Sooner rather than later, let's hope.
  6. Hey Patchoulia How's it going? Several ppl pointed this thread out to me so I thought I'd stop by to say hello...eventhough I'd sworn of message boards haha
  7. Who's got my heady ticket stubs?
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