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Everything posted by hammeronhammeroff

  1. HAPPY 4:20! Riddim Rebels will be on before midnight... See you there!
  2. Don't you look at me so smug And say I'm going bad. Who are you to judge me And the life that I live? I know that I'm not perfect And that I don't claim to be. So before you point your fingers, Be sure your hands are clean. Judge not Before you judge yourself. Judge not If you're not ready for judgement. Woah oh oh! The road of life is rocking And you may stumble too. So while you talk about me, someone else is judging you. Judge not Before you judge yourself. Judge not If you're not ready for judgement. Woah oh oh! The road of life is rocky And you may stumble too. So while you talk about me Someone else is judging you, Someone else is judging you, Someone else is judging you, Someone else is judging you, Someone else is judging you. -Bob Marley n.b. We don't know who you are Kung-Fu/Cool Hand Luke, but you seem like the kind of person who didn't get enough attention as a child or perhaps an abusive upbringing. Please don't stay mad at the world forever! We think you should stay at the Granite club and fraternize with them instead of wasting your valuable time here. Oi vey! peace, 4:20
  3. [color:red]Don't forget the Cannabis Cup also presented by Hidden Jungle on June 8th, 9th & 10th, 2007. Will it be a three-peat for the dude from Niagara Falls? [color:yellow] Will it be better than the 'Super Silver Haze' we recently tested last fall in Amsterdam? Or the potent AK47? [color:green] Also, please try to bring a non-perishable food item to the 4:20 jam for the Daily Bread Food Bank and Ernestine's Women's Shelter.
  4. www.myspace.com/riddimrebels www.hiddenjungle.ca
  5. HIDDEN JUNGLE + honurable soul presents: The 'FOUR TWENTY' Jam [color:red]Friday [color:green]April 20th, [color:yellow]2007 Come celebrate what WE know as the international day for being happy, enlightened and one with the universe. Jah Rastafari! Halie Selassie I! Jah! RIDDIM REBELS live! (6 member reggae band- hella groovy!) w/ Legendary CKLN dj CARL ALLEN hosted by: Eryk S./ Hidden Jungle and Honourable Soul @ Dragonfly 1279 Queen St. W/ Dufferin $5 w/ non-perishable food item $10 w/ out **A Benefit for the Daily Bread Food Bank and the Ernestine's Women's Shelter** Doors open @ 10pm www.myspace.com/riddimrebels www.hiddenjungle.ca www.honsoul.ca 4:20 Celebrity Cannabis Consumers: Robert Altman "I was a heavy drinker, but the alcohol affected my heart rather than my liver. So I stopped. I smoke grass now. I say that to everybody, because marijuana should be legalized. It's ridiculous that it isn't. If at the end of the day I feel like smoking a joint I do it. It changes the perception of what I've been through all day." (On the advisory board of NORML) Jennifer Aniston: "I enjoy smoking cannabis and see no harm in it". (Supposedly she and Brad Pitt smoked up together prior to meeting with Bill Clinton.) Louis Armstrong: "It really puzzles me to see marijuana connected with narcotics . . . dope and all that crap, it's a thousand times better than whiskey - it's an assistant - a friend." Jack Black: Actor and singer for the band "Tenacious D". Voted pot smoker of the year by High Times magazine. Jack will be playing a set at an upcoming NORML conference. Michael Bloomberg (NY mayor): When asked if he ever smoked pot, he replied, "You bet I did. And I enjoyed it!" Sonny Bono James Brown George W. Bush Johnny Cash Tommy Chong: Born in Edmonton, Alberta. Cheech Marin was a draft dodger living in Vancouver when he first met Chong. Check out his action figure. Chong was recently sent to jail for 9 months for selling waterpipes over the internet. Winston Churchill Bill Clinton: "When I was in England I experimented with marijuana a time or two, I didn't like it, I didn't inhale it, and never tried it again." Francis Ford Coppola Bob Denver: In 1998 Gilligan received probation after signing for a package containing 30 grams of pot. It turns out that he was buying pot through the mail from his co-star Dawn Wells (Mary Anne). John Denver Bob Dylan: Introduced the Beatles to wacky tobaccy in 1964. Richard Feynman (scientist):Nobel Prize Laureate physicist, founder of quantum electrodynamics. Carrie Fisher Jane Fonda Peter Fonda Harrison Ford Art Garfunkel: "If John Lennon is deported, I'm leaving too... with my musicians... and my marijuana." Newt Gingrich Al Gore Larry Hagman Woody Harrelson: "I do smoke, but I don't go through all this trouble just because I want to make my drug of choice legal. It's about personal freedom. We should have the right in this country to do what we want, if we don't hurt anybody. Seventy-two million people in this country have smoked pot. Eighteen to 20 million in the last year. These people should not be treated as criminals." Whitney Houston Chrissie Hynd: "Whatever I'm already doing becomes enhanced when I smoke pot. It can also be demotivating, because if I'm not doing anything and I smoke a joint, it enhances just sitting in a chair. Then I don't even want to get up to change a record. That might not be a bad thing, but you have to get things done once in a while." Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Sir Mick Jagger Thomas Jefferson John F Kennedy Steven King "I think that marijuana should not only be legal, I think it should be a cottage industry. It would be wonderful for the state of Maine. There's some pretty good homegrown dope. I'm sure it would be even better if you could grow it with fertilizers and have greenhouses. . . ." John Lennon Bill Maher: (On the advisory board of NORML) Norman Mailer One's condition on marijuana is always existential. One can feel the importance of each moment and how it is changing one. One feels one's being, one becomes aware of the enormous apparatus of nothingness-the hum of a hi-fi set, the emptiness of a pointless interruption, one becomes aware of the war between each of us, how the nothingness in each of us seeks to attack the being of others, how our being in turn is attacked by the nothingness in others. Bob Marley "Music and herb go together. It's been a long time now I smoke herb. From 1960s, when I first start singing." Linda McCartney Linda made headlines as a result of an open fondness for marijuana. While being treated for breast cancer she smoked pot to ease the discomfort of chemotherapy. Sir Paul McCartney "I think the 'Just say no' mentality is so crazed. I saw a thing in a women's magazine the other day. 'He smokes cannabis, what am I to do? He laughs it off when I try to tell him, he says it's not really harmful...' Of course you're half hoping the advice will be, 'Well, you know it's not that harmful; if you love him, if you talk to him about it, tell him maybe he should keep it in the garden shed or something,' you know, a reasonable point of view. But of course it was, 'No, no, all drugs are bad. Librium's good, Valium's good. But cannabis, ooooh!' I hate that unreasoned attitude." Matthew McConaughey George Michael "...this time last year I was a complete and utter pothead. I know it's lunacy but the horrible truth is that the grass really helped me. It got me through making [my album] Older. I was under more stress than I'd ever been. This [album] had to amount to something substantial to justify the wait. And grass really helped me with the lyrics. I'd know there was something I really wanted to say but I wouldn't know how to say it, so I'd have a few drags and stand behind the mike and in a few minutes it'd be there. It's bad because I don't want to smoke but I can't see myself giving grass up as a writer." [source] Robert Mitchum "The only effect that I ever noticed from smoking marijuana was a sort of mild sedative, a release of tension when I was overworking. It never made me boisterous or quarrelsome. If anything, it calmed me and reduced my activity." Bill Murray Friedrich Nietzsche used cannabis as medicine Willie Nelson "I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?" (On the advisory board of NORML) Jack Nicholson: "My point of view, while extremely cogent, is unpopular. . . . That the repressive nature of the legalities vis-a-vis drugs are destroying the legal system and corrupting the police system." Conan O'Brian Sinead O'Connor Pablo Picasso Brad Pitt Ross Rebagliati Keanu Reeves Carl Sagan: "Looking at fires when high, by the way, especially through one of those prism kaleidoscopes which image their surroundings, is an extraordinarily moving and beautiful experience." William Shakespeare Paul Simon Wesley Snipes Alan Sorkin Sting Oliver Stone Margaret Trudeau Pierre Elliot Trudeau Ted Turner: A former anchorperson for CNN said that it is common knowledge that Turner sits in his office and smokes marijuana. Dionne Warwick George Washington Neil Young
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