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Jordan Patrick

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Posts posted by Jordan Patrick

  1. This is kind of a shamless cautiously optimistic plug, but my sister-in-law owns Cuppedia at 97 Main St. near Lees. It's a new little coffee/teas/desserts place. They have couches, wireless internet and most of the time good music. They are just starting out so it's never too busy. It might be a good place to hang out.

    Awesome dude, I'm going to check it out. What's the music situation like? I'm also checking out places for Open Mic's.

    Jordan... got a good recommendation from a co-worker for such a spot.

    The "Oz Kafé". 361 Elgin St.

    I've not been there, but from what she told me, it's what you're looking for.

    Now I'm excited, thanks David. I'm not going to ask what happened at Rasputin's though. Were you talking during a set? lol

    Oh well,

    OH and i played Open Mic at the Thirsty Toad on Bank st. on Monday; its still a developing scene, but what a venue! Going to try and get that scene going for the summer, the balcony will easily hold 150+ people.

  2. Does the Cajun Attic still exist?
    Man this place sounds awesome!

    All those places sound so cool. But can you guys think of any places that don't require me to travel back in time 10-12 years?

    Oh but thanks Brad, I"m going to check that place out.And if everyone works out, i'll see if she has a sister ;)

  3. I know a few good spots to take someone I'm just gettin to know. Ya know, someplace comfortable, with cofas, maybe serves coffee, maybe serves drinks/food. Maybe there's some light earthy music in the background, or maybe its an unplugged open mic spot. In the millions of variations out there, could you guys share a few locations that fit any or all of these descriptors?

    I could think of a few, like Rasputin's on Bronson, the Second Cup on Rideau st., that weird coffee spot in Kanata Centrum, Bass Line Station (on Baseline rd.), Elephant & Castle on Thursday nights Open Mic (Rideau Center).

  4. I never really payed much attention to the Foo back when, and I really wish I did.

    Bouche I had no idea you were there too; I paid for killer tickets, expecting a bomb Dylan show for me and my pops. The whole time I was anxious for the Foo Fighters, and MAN what a show. I had no idea they were going to remake most of their stuff- I only wished they were the headliner. We ended up leaving early on Dylan's set, the music was actually unbearably repetitive.

  5. Great advice guys; I've played a few places with supportive crowds too. My first was Rasputin's, which I will totally vouche for. I did a short gig at Irene's before too, and learned my lesson against wearing bright shirts (although the heckler was rather drunk).

    Nonetheless, I've been meaning to go back again, but now for different reasons. I would like to see who could come up and play a few things along to some of my originals.

    I've been very skeptical of how hard it might be to get something together with a rhythm section, and always figured that an electric guitar was what's needed to get that ball rollin'.

    Like you said Paisley, i'll just have to go and find out.

    Thanks guys.

  6. I've never really had a succesful jam session with another on an acoustic unless we've planned to play certain tunes ahead of time.

    What I'm specifically trying to figure out, is how I'd be able to step up to a open mic jam and be able to find a place amongst a bassist, drummer, and possibly an electric guitarist.

    I'm sure I could just step up, and ask what key its in and listen for the core notes, but hell, what is an acoustic guitarist to do on such an occasion? Should there even be one up there???

    Ideally, most bands who have an acoustic is either the singer or pure rhythm. Am I right so far?

  7. I'm surprised I hadn't started this thread myself. I'm going to Japan in 2 years, without a doubt in my mind. I'm finishing my english degree @ Ottawa U, and I too am considering getting additional qualifications (i.e. Tesol, or BA in education). I will undoubtably come back to continue my schooling, in which I hope to make enough dough to fund schooling and be able to at least rent a place.

    I heard Japan is a hard place to make money, and it isn't the first time. I've checked out those teacher farm places you've mentioned, and I don't mind a lack of job security, I just hope they've got English papers.

    I'm continually surprised by how many people here have done adventures overseas; I've already started to learn Japanese, so I figured I might as well follow suit. I might end up in Tokyo, anybody know the area there for cheap/good housing?

    Again, do better quals translate into better pay? What is really, decent pay? Part of my purpose out there is to save money, mainly for the experience/sake.


    Jyo-dan Yori

  8. This goes out for any drummers are bassists out there looking to get something started in the Ottawa music scene.

    So far, Marc and I have put together an album ( Marc Victor), along with at least 15 tracks of new and/or remixed material. Many of these songs need a rhythm section so we can step up the performances to places that need it.

    The music we play is a variety of acoustic fingerstyle/folk-rock. We both do vocals and guitar, and we have one female backup singer.

    If interested or in need of more information, either message/e-mail me or Marc (marc@marcvictor.com).


    Jordan Patrick

  9. lmao That would be great, but I don't think she would put up with my stage-ego, she's got one of her own already.

    Love the name idea! But my ol man wouldnt' stand for 'Patrick', he's already ticked off that I picked that middle name instead of his father's.

  10. Will do big guy. Just ask Mike, I think Miss. Hux caught me singing yesterday and she scared the crap out of me. I don't think you can really improve much on your own; i mean, it might work your range a bit and practice is practice, but if you listen to my mom sing you'll realize that some people are living in complete oblivion to how terrible they project their vocals.

    Good thing I bought some ear plugs. Anyhoo, will definately share my findings. What sort of singing are you looking to improve on?

  11. And the purpose of this topic is lost yet again.....

    But I did learn a few things, aside from my renewed fascination with why Asians love Kareoke so much. I need to find someone who has guitar hero and a kareoke machine, and maybe the Fonze with a jukebox. Yaaaa. Oh bouche if I'm singin Jive Talking you better sing my harmony while squatting or so help me

  12. I was wondering if anyone knew any good courses or teachers to improve on my singing. I'm just getting into it, and I find I have trouble getting past my lower frequencies.

    Musicians/Groups like John Mayer, Dave Matthew Band, Foo Fighters, Death Cab for Cutie, Jack Jackson, Muse, that sort of this is what I'm looking to achieve.

    I just can't get a good graps on Falcetto, nor avoid straining my voice instead of keeping it in my octave.

    Anyhow, I'm close to dead broke too, so money is a factor as well. Best bang for the buck, really.

    Thanks everyone!


  13. Hey guys, my buddy is trying to sell a ticket for the show tomorrow since her brother bailed. For the price they paid (250 something) I think the tickets @ Congress are probably front row.

    Although she posted it at $180.00 on www.kajiji.ca (or whatever), she told me that she'd sell it for $150.00 or less. I myself, don't have the money nor the availability, but amazing show I'm told. Her contact info is below.

    Anthony Robbins: The Power Within Seminar Tuesday March 6

    Price: $180.00

    Location: Ottawa Congress Centre

    Paid 249.00$ selling for 180$ 1 or 2 tickets available, unable to attend due to business trip conflict. Suzanne Somers, Kenneth Cole, Les Brown, Andy Nulmin, Jim Fannin will be there. It's an all day event at the Congress Centre. Please contact me if you're interested in buying the tickets.

    Katrina @ 613-878-5281

  14. Wow thanks for all the suggestions folks, I'd think that at least half of you were interested in meeting her (which could be arranged, of course). Because I'm a busy guy, once I get her some friends, believe me it would not be hard to get her to go out again.

    Anyways, haven't been to the Cock and Clam myself Bouche, unless you mean the Cock N' Bull (which I doubt). Is that even a bar? I mean, really that sounds like a strip joint. I said Ba-ri-tish. :P

    Thanks again guys, I'll see if I can time a night where they might actually have a performance or two that she might groove too. She's really a groovy chick!

  15. 1. Jerry Garcia - Gomorrah

    2. Iron Butterfly - Inagaddadavida

    3. Woody Guthrie - Ezekiel Saw The Wheel

    4. Willie Nelson - Family Bible

    5. K-0S (feat. Buck 65) - Ballad of Noah

    6. Roger Waters - What God Wants (Parts I,II,III)

    7. The Golden Gate Quartet - Daniel Saw The Stone

    8. Beck - Lord Only Knows

    9. Guns N' Roses- Garden of Eden




  16. Hey guys,

    I've met a very nice brit who's completely alone here in Ottawa, and so I'm thinking of places to bring her here in Ottawa that might have some familiar feeling to it. Since I'm spoken for, this is not technically a date. I just want to bring her out for some fun.

    The only thing I can think of that's remotely like a British pub and will sometimes place some celtic tunes would be Heart and Crown or Grace O Mallies. Any suggestions? Or upcoming shows to check out?

  17. If you guys like your burgers, I'm sure you're all aware of The Works.

    If your not, check that place out. Probably the only place where you can order a burger with mangos (among other fruits) on it.

    I recommend the one with 'Jamaican' in it; nice n' spicy!

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