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jay sanislo

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Posts posted by jay sanislo

  1. sorry kinda baked there

    I meant I only Know scntube

    and would love to meet some more of these lovely people i have chatted with over the last couple of months.

    You guys should check out my band at frontier this canada day weekend, were called soul pleasure

  2. all i can say was that was the shit.

    just got back now and man i think i still screwed from that show.

    Im a drummer myself so when fishman sat in I freaked so hard and thought to myself holy shit were in for a good one tonight, and a fukn

    good one it was. The drum jams were just ridiculously insane. Besides the fact that i got my joints taken and my camera taken from the show I would have to say that was pretty much the best show i have ever seen by far.

    The energy was amazing.

  3. im off to darien

    if any one here is camping there come around the viper campgrounds thats where we will be camped out.

    I am so stoked.

    especially seeing that gordon came out for an encore and did mikes songs a couple of shows ago.

    see u there

  4. ok here it goes.

    Im screwed, my girlfriend broke her foot the other day and she was the driver for us going to darien. She broke her right foot so she cant drive and she made the mistake of telling her parents that i was going to drive her car and the flipped. To make a long story short we now need a ride to the show and we have an extra ticket. We are form Hamilton and have a camping spot in darien Saturday and Sunday night. If anyone could please help us reply here or call me at (905) 383-0778. You could also camp with us and i guarentee it will be a blast. IM reaaly getting worried here

  5. sounds like you guys had a blast buddy.

    Kristy broke her foot yesterday so I will be driving up to darien now and also cant wait to groove to trey.

    By the way when are you leaving for the show.

    were going the night before and camping, if you want to come up early and hang with us your more then welcome to.

    Talk to ya soon or see you at the concert bro.

  6. how was the show buddy, i didnt here from Keith and shannon because we had to leave joshy with steve because Kristy broke her foot and spent the last 6 hours in the hospital. She has to wear a cast for 3 weeks so when your at darien just look for the crutches.

    We got a campsite already booked, you should come visit, i'll let you know the lot number, i have to get it from scootie. Oh and by the way if you got the setlist from last night please post it i'd really like to know. See ya in darien buddy

  7. sup man.

    isnt it ridiculous.

    I would never pay 300 dollars a ticket to see the money hogging $tones.

    Especially after the comments you just posted, and also i dont know what mick is talking about when he says even the fans know its not about the music,is a bunch of bullshit. Why would i go just to see his faggoty skinny ass running around the stage like a fool. Its always about the MUSIC, and that should never change.

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