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Posts posted by Mango

  1. Happy Birthday Steve Hope you have a wonderful day and this year is filled with friends and laughter.

    Desole cum(sp? so I thought I'd be crude) une Shannon sans sa ami Steve pour long temps.

    (I have totally forgot how to write in french)

    Hope to see you soon.

  2. It is hard to put into words why i love the band so. At first i to found there music disjointed ,however each show i see brings me to a new level of appreciation.

    I get completely lost in their music, they make me feel safe and alive and beautiful and that's a great feeling. Each member of the band is a talented musicans who plays exactly what i want to hear.

    And best of all they allow me to groove

    and boy do I!

  3. I have to completly agree with you, your summation is right on. That show blew my mind. I'm not being dramatic when i say this but I am a changed person the felings that went through me, :: the revelations I had is nothing I have ever felt befor.It was like they could ready my mind and played every note I wanted to here. Thank you Benny D, guigsy, all the wonderful americans I meet and my beautiful sister for making the experience that more enjoyable.

    What a fu©king night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Here is some of the bands that will be at the C.Z in the next little while:

    27/02 Tala(ambient funk/groove)

    01/03 & 02/03 Culture(Jamaican Roots Reggae)

    08/03 Aaron MacDonald with JSB(east coast roots/funk/rock)

    09/03 GTB(east coast funk/jam)

    13/03 Blue Quarter (west coast electronica jam)

    15/03 Moon Boot Lover (funk/soul/jam)

    16/03 Greyhounds (from LA-funk/soul/groove)

    20/03 Spirit of The Boogie

    (rare groove/house/techno)

    Hope this is helpful. Maybe I'll see some of you at some of these shows.

    grin.gif" border="0

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