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Posts posted by skelter

  1. Here's my story.

    My first show was Darien Lake, 8.14.97. My second Phish show was second night Albany, 12.13.97.

    So, 2009 being my first year of seeing Phish since 2000, I saw them at Darien Lake 8.13.09, and will them again second night Albany, 11.28.09

  2. I'll give you my answer from a real estate agent perspective:

    If you didn't do your own water test before you bought the house, it's your fault.

    Water tests are free and are recommended to be done every three or four months, whether you're the home owner or a tenant.

    There are potential solutions ... you can try 'shocking the well,' which means pouring bleach in the well, running the water through all the taps for an hour and that should kill anything living in the pipes, and maybe the source water is actually clean? Failing that, you can get a UV system installed for under $1000.

    So, basically, you should be doing your own water tests, but the landlord is required to provide you with safe drinking water ...

    I hope this helps.

  3. Hey folks,

    It seemed the time was right for me to try my hand and concert promoting again, so I'm bringing The Trews to Kingston on December 9 for an acoustic show at the amazing Sydenham Street United Church. This venue probably has the best natural acoustics in the city (I have yet to hear better).

    Tickets are $18 advance and go on sale Friday - Brian's Record Option, Sunrise Records (Cat Centre) and www.ticketbreak.com


  4. btw, was the inspection done by a professional firm? if so, my understanding is that the sellers would have to disclose the results to any other prospective buyer and assuming there were issues discovered, they cannot hide these. (I could be wrong about this. skelter? what's the rule with disclosure of inspection?) price is often re-negotiated on the basis of inspection findings (if inspection was a condition of the purchase).

    Disclosure is absolutely fundamental in real estate. However, if the sellers paid for their own home inspection, technically they can do whatever they want with the results. They save themselves a tremendous amount of hassle and potential lawsuits if they are upfront with any problems they don't plan on fixing.

    That said, every buyer should pay for their own home inspection. Around here it's $350. There's even a lot of realtors that will pay for it as an incentive or as a gift to the buyer, but I won't do it. It's the buyer's house, the buyer should have the inspector on their own payroll so they know there's no interference from other parties ...

  5. As a realtor, I'd politely tell them to go fuck themselves :)

    However, it's not so easy from the buyer's perspective when you love the house. But, you don't want to be house poor, and you don't want to pay more than it's worth, so to echo the other comments (the non-Chevy Chase related ones), you should walk away.

  6. My biggest beef with Ticketmaster is that they add a lot of charges to the promoter too ... I was looking into using them a few years ago, and not only is there the ridiculous service fee to the consumer, but the promoter had to pay out a bunch off fees per ticket, a set up fee for each show, and a percentage of the gross. I don't have the document anymore ... I printed it and burned it in a display of defiance. it was pretty bad-ass

  7. btw, for anyone who is Kingston permanantly or frequently, the aforementioned Musical Instrument Lending Library is really fuggin cool. You quite literally borrow an instrument, same as you would a book from a standard library. Guitars, keys, drums, horns, winds, percussion, and a lot of very rare instruments are there. Most of the accessories are available too, amps, cases, pedals, etc.

  8. Funny you bring this up ... I'm on the board of directors for the Joe Chithalen Memorial Musical Instrument Lending Library, and two of my main tasks are a) revamping the migraine-inducing website (currently underway) and B) bring the Joe Show back to life. I'm hoping to announce the a very scaled-back, all local band version of the Joe Show in a couple of days ... Oct 10th at the Ale House.

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