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Posts posted by Spudly

  1. Greetings folks, periodic west coast lurker here...

    On the topic, you should check out this all improv fusion quartet from Vancouver called iDeoGram featuring 15 year old phenom Kai Basanta on drums. This kid is amazing, a consumate professional, and gifted beyond belief, a mini Buddy Rich...and he's in GRADE 9!

    Kai's played a couple of show's with my band (baked potato) and it's been hilarious dealing with bar staff trying to get this kid into the clubs.

    check him out.... 1016830051_l.jpg

    Apparently he's allowed to be in the bar...but has to be either walking to or from the stage, if he's not performing. Kai is going to be famous one day.

    Taboot the bass player, Cole, is 18 years old, plays a 5 string fretless and is SICK. Kai's brother Adam is 22 and is a sick fusion shredder as well.

    Listen to these guys at their myspace page.

    They don't have "songs" per se...they don't practice. They just improv their shows. All unrehearsed. SICK.

  2. Hey Beats, Welcome!

    You won't regret a thing, I promise you.....There's lots to do, lots to see and alot of fantastic people in the live music community here in Van....we all know each other through 1 degree of separation. Open yourself to the flow, the flow will provide. Please feel free to get in touch with me through the Upstream board when you get here....I would be glad to offer you advice on people, places and things...and look forward to meeting you...

    Ebb, sorry to hear you're not enjoying yourself here. I'll not take your comments personally, because my world here is the opposite of what you describe.

    We have a tendancy here in the west to be polite...and there are potentially lots of reasons that these musicians you speak of don't return your calls. I regularly run ads in the Straight and build bands here and if I can offer some advice, you may need to lower expectations of people, then you wont be so jaded.....I end my correspondence with potential players with "If I don't hear back from you, it's all good." and if i don't hear back from them, I don't take it personally.

    Be well,


  3. Boochawan, if by "terrorist" you mean "non-christian freedom fighter who's political organization isn't fully sanctioned by the UN", then yes, there is one less "terrorist" in the world.

    You use that word very "conservatively", I wonder what your views are on Sharon, who is directly and personally responsible for many more deaths than Arafat and who is as close to a fascist as Hitler was (politically) and just as apt to sanction the deaths of innocent human beings based on their race.

  4. I'll scream if I hear another person diss Kerry for "supporting the war"!

    You have to put yourself in the context that was the times when the resolution was going through the Senate.

    "You're either with us or against us." Scary fu©kin words.

    No one could have said no at that time without commiting political suicide. You would have been branded as anti-American and unpatriotic.

    Anyone who brings this up TODAY without placing 100% of the blame on Bush for this mess is an ignorant twat.

  5. My personal fav Robbins is "Another Roadside Attraction."

    An amazing story - The mumified body of Jesus Christ is discovered and retrieved from the catacombs under the vatican thus proving that he was in fact just a man (and now just a corpse) and that there will be no second coming. The principal characters come into possession of it and incredible thought provoking banter ensues on whether to release it to the world (and the implications of destroying Christian faith) or keep it secret (and perpetuate the lie). You may fall in love with the main character Amanda. A quintessential hippie chick.

    Another incredible one is "Still Life With Woodpecker".....a love story that takes place inside a box of cigarretes.....

  6. Here goes......

    1. I wish you were a door so I could slam you all day.

    2. Nice legs...what time do they open?

    3. Do you work for UPS? I thought I saw you checking out my package.

    4. You've got 206 bones in your body, want one more?

    5. Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money?

    6. I may not be the best looking guy in here, but I'm the only one talking to you.

    7. I'm a bird watcher and I'm looking for a Big Breasted Bed Thrasher. Have you seen one?

    8. I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on earth tonight.

    9. Wanna play army? I'll lay down and you can blow the hell outta me.

    10. I wish you were a Pony Carousel , so I could ride you all day long for a quarter.

    11. Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that was a braille name tag.

    12. I'd really like to see how you look when I'm naked.

    13. Is that a ladder in your stockings or the stairway to heaven?

    14. You might not be the best looking girl here, but beauty is only a light switch away.

    15. Are those real?

    16. You must be the limp doctor because I've got a stiffy.

    17. I'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles, and even farther for that thing you do with your tongue.

    18. If it's true that we are what we eat, then I could be you by morning.

    19. (Look down at your crotch) Well It's not just going to suck itself.

    20. You know, if I were you, I'd have sex with me.

    21. You. Me. Whipped cream. Handcuffs. Any questions?

    22. F@# me if I'm wrong, but is your name Helga Titsbottom?

    23. Those clothes would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor.

    24. My name is (name)...remember that, you'll be screaming it later.

    25. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

    26. Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me.

    27. My friend wants to know if YOU think I'M cute.

    28. Hi. The voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you.

    29. My name isn't Elmo, but you can tickle me anytime you want to.

    30. I know milk does a body good, but DAMN, how much have you been drinking?

    31. If you were the last woman and I was the last man on earth, I bet we could do it in


    32. Wanna come over for some pizza and sex? No? Why? Don't you like pizza?

    33. Baby, I'm an American Express lover...you shouldn't go home without me.

    34. Do you sleep on your stomach? Can I???

    35. Do you wash your pants in Windex? Because I can see myself in them.

    36. I lost my puppy. Can you help me find him? I think he went into this cheap motel room.

    37. (Lick finger and wipe on her shirt) Let's get you out of these wet clothes.

  7. Waving: A beautiful, articulate response to an impossible to defend personal attack on your personal perception. atta boy!

    Zero: Don't get soft on me now. I didn't come here for Kung-Lite, I want the full strength, in your face, bitch slappin, pimpin illogical egocentric rants! that last post was weak. We have enough articulate critics here.

    Meghan: To "take a vacation" implies that you live here. It's alot less aggravating if you simply stop by for a visit to have a laugh at the human condition and then go back to the real world where 99.9% of us are thoughtful, loving, caring individuals who respect boundaries and know in our hearts that we are all imperfect and beautifully dysfunctional people with a wide range of opinions and tastes and are OK with that.

    Without the devil, there is no god!

  8. Was very surprised at the lack of on stage mics, but a little bird told me there was at least one sound board hook-ups...so all is not lost.....of note e: Semos > guitar slut (?) > Purple Haze Jam ::

    Pajama party craziness starts tonite at 10pm....

    Hey Beats, was thinking about you as Fareed treated us to a couple of blistering demonstrations of the Godin Glissentar.

  9. This just in....

    Scores of wonderfully wicked westie wooks were treated to 2 rousing sets of shreddy jazzy funk tinged glorious vibrations from the most heady virtuostic band to hit the jam music scene since the Fat Man passed.

    We're talkin Garaj Mahal here, ladies and gentlemen.

    The super plush Richards on Richards nightclub was repleat with boogie-osity until the wee-hours, the thumping bass bins were heard and felt as far as 2 counties away.

    And it's only just begun...the shredfest continues 2nite at the world famous Boot Pub and rumours abound that tomorrow nites gig is Pajama themed....

    I'm sure ya'll are having just as much fun as we are.... :: enjoy!

  10. Good ol PRS guitars...Stores that carry them will have promotional DVD's (for the seriously interested) that are really cool. They take you through the whole manufacturing process and quality controls....fascinating! (If you are a gear head)

    The pick up system in some of those models is amazing....each string has it's own channel...

    like butta.

  11. From Burlington, VT....if you every get an opportunity to check them out, GO! Part Phish, part moe part Umphrey's and currently playing small clubs and festivals. (60 of us was treated to a blistering set in the tiny Media Club last nite)

    Guitar is super shreddy and keys are sick sick sick. ::

  12. Hey Bouche, there are 2 Groove TV episodes in the archives....IMO the better of the 2 is the Kuumbwa Jazz Centre. In particular, the Jan Jan (Jimmy Smith? or Grant Green?) is outstanding and really showcases Kai Eckhardt....the guy is a monster!

    here it is: http://www.archive.org/movies/details-db...v206_garajmahal

    I mentioned in a previous post about the Slip/Garaj rythym section workshop....it's in the archives as well....


    We are blessed to have a 4 show Garaj run starting in 5 days....Van>Whistler(2)>Bellingham :)

  13. Richards in 2000 was indeed a boogiefest...(and my first Charlie experience)...the guy does promote rug cutting, no doubt...(case in point, Garage a Trois)...so is Mike Clark's RX, depending on who's playing (I saw MC w/ Charlie, Robert Walter's, Fred Wesley, Skerik, Karl D, Jessica....twas a mad boogiefest. but he also gets a little avant garde at times...kinda like one of *those* MMW shows...)

    I'm sure he was very nice to you back then and always honors his fan base, which is both Blue Note Jazz afficianado's and jam-music afficianado's....I guess I embellished a little hard there (did I just 'dish the dirt there??? ooops, my apologies, cuz I really don't know nothing bout him personally.) to get the point across that there were tables set up in front of the stage this time around at his request to create a buffer zone of sorts, which pissed me off cuz, well hey, that's where I stand (and twist/contort, etc) But it really worked out well and wound up growing on us noodlers cuz it did give it a jazz club type feel...

  14. There is definitely something unsettling about children in horror movies. They are supposed to represent the embodiment of goodness and it is disturbing to see them as victims or evil.

    Agreed. Pet Semetary fu©ked my sh!t up.

  15. Us over here in Van. were lucky enough to have Charlie come through our little town last month. 3 piece with sax and drums...at our lovely Richards on Richards club (650 cap, awesome sound and sight lines, great staff!). WOW!!!

    It was one of the most awe-inspiring, jaw dropping performances I've ever seen....I'm sure you all know his schtick....plays bass and melody at the same time on his hybrid instument....it's one thing to know that, and completely another thing to SEE it up close. I've seen him a number of times in busier settings and larger venues in different states of mind....up close and personal (mildly puffed down) is the way to go...

    He's a weird cat too....hates hippies....and hates noodle dancers to the point of putting in his rider that tables must be set up in front of the stage (like a jazz club) so he doesn't have to deal with the distraction of flailing dreads and wafting patchoulli. Can you blame him?

  16. This sh!t is PURE fu©king GOLD!!!! ::

    Zero, there are reasons most folk lurk around your posts and don't chime in, and it has nothing to do with being uneducated dimwit ignorant self congratulatory philistine fuckwads with nothing relevant or pertinent to contribute. (Gold, GOLD I tell you!!!!)

    I have a strong feeling that the main reason has to do with the fact that you are one scary, unpredicatable mo-fo who has no apparent control over his rage and most folks are within driving distance of your town. They are worried they will wake up in the middle of the nite with their rabbit boiling on the stove and you standing over their bed with a fuggin chainsaw....Postal, indeed!

    It's one thing to entertain with witty banter and to chide with humor and good natured ribbing. What you got goin on is schoolyard bullying taken to a psychotic extreme.

    Every now and then I see an actual human being poke it's head out from behind your persona to toss around a few token self serving nuggets of basic respect for the people on this board (though it's never sincere), but for the most part you seem to be so dillusional about your self importance that you really believe deep down that you are actually justified in your attacks on these poor people! I've never seen such hate filled outbursts! Wow!

    You are a paradox wrapped in an enigma (I love that line!)...and once again, I must say that I am addicted to you. Other than wishing you had a pinch of humility added to your cauldron of bile, I hope you never change, EVER! You provide a beautiful contrast that is necessary in all our lives. You challenge us. You anger us which then forces us to look within ourselves to question our reactions. Sure, it ain't fun when you are pointing your hate-tainted perception at us, but dammit if you don't provoke deep introspection into our own characters and what it means to be an opinionated, music-loving hippie! This board couldn't survive without you...we need you!

    Gush. You da bomb, Luke, oops, I mean Kung, errr Zero, rather. :)

    xo Love

  17. For the Bobby fan(s), sorry to report....

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 6, 2004

    RatDog must regretfully announce the postponement of

    the Bob Weir and RatDog tour scheduled to begin

    tomorrow, October 7th,in Ridgefield, Connecticut.

    Since January, Bob Weir has worked continuously on

    music dates for RatDog and The Dead, promotional work

    for his career retrospective album, and a number of

    nonprofit appearances. It was all simply too much, and

    he's reached a point of complete physical exhaustion.

    He anticipates returning to performing in early spring


    No one regrets more than he the postponement of these

    shows, but he and his management concluded that his

    long-term health was a greater priority. That and his

    desire to give his fans only the best possible

    performance outweighed the difficulties of

    rescheduling the tour.

    We will be in touch once it is determined how to deal

    with the details of this postponement. Give us a

    minute to sort all this out, if you would please.

    The Crew of GDTSTOO


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