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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. 282. Songs yo momma would disprove of:

    1. Ween - Spinal Menningitis

    2. Rolling Stones - Star Star

    3. Rage Against The Machine - Killing in the Name Of

    4. Nine Inch Nails-Closer

    5. Slow Nerve Action - Chewin'

    6. Guns N' Roses-I used to love her

    7. Travelling Wilburys - Tweeter & The Monkey Man*






    * because my Mom really did once disapprove of this song to me, suggesting it "promoted" drug abuse. I was like 13. Thanks Mom. I'm not curious at all, right.

  2. on a related note, one thing I heard some time ago was that no store or business can refuse a demonination of Canadian currency without ceding the cost of the product. By which I refer to those signs, that say "no $50 or $100 bills accepted" that you see everywhere these days.

    The premise here being that if I should go into say, a sub shop, and buy lunch and go to pay with a $50 bill and that place refuses to accept it, then therefore they are refusing to accept Canadian currency as payment (it is up to them to reveal it's authenticity, not the consumer). And following that, the sub is mine to take sans payment. Because, I offered them legal tender Canadian money for it, they refused to accept it, therefore the transaction is complete = I am not *stealing* the sub, I offered payment, they refused to accept it, the sub is mine. And so on.

    Anyone heard more on this? It does seem to make sense if you think about it.

  3. Keep babbling away in that self-important, nonsensical, pseudo-hippie-speak there Mr. Hart. Your pontifications are bloated and often nonsensical.

    Keep rappin' and best of luck with your kids' trust funds! Maybe they'll follow in their granddad's footsteps.

  4. ah... Neil got diagnosed with a freakin' brain aneurysm..... then he went and wrote and recorded an album BEFORE going in for treatment.

    He's unstoppable.

    I'm not going to let these shows break my 2007 concert drought but that's largely b/c I know tix will be next to impossible to get. Good luck to all though. I imagine TimmyB is floating in the air right now.

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