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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. not sure what the zinger was, but I'll agree The Slip are most excellent. Except to say, if they were playing the Enwave Theatre at Harbourfront rather than the Elmo or the Mod Club, you'd be paying a lot more than $15.

    Or would people pay more? Wasn't the Mod Club half empty? Ryan Adams sold out the Enwave in like three minutes, at $55 a pop.

  2. I made shrimp tacos last night.

    I ripped those little bastards innards out and showed them who the boss was. That's right you crustacean bitches, me, MarcO. Introduced them to heat and listened to their pathetic little cries for redemption. Sad.

    I smiled as they turned pink from embarrassment, knowing full well that soon they would go into my horrible mouth and my digestional tracts.

    Oh, I'm not heartless, I dressed the dead fuckers up in cute little shreds of green onion, crisp lettuce, diced tomato and then I blew a load of sour cream all over their naughty little dead faces. Yeah you like that don't you shrimpies? Here, have a squirt of lime.


  3. Wilcoworld is doing a live webcast from Indy tonight if you get bored with the Bonnaroo stream or can't wait to see them until Sunday.

    also, haven't seen anyone mention this but Wilco announced a string of Western Canada dates for August.


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