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Posts posted by kung

  1. Saw this posted on the ween board, took me a minute or two to figure out what the deal was. Basically some guy put a bunch of crazy stalker bitch voicemails in mp3 format on a website (that happens to be for the North American Subaru Impreza Owners Association- and the thread is titled crazy stalker bitch). I haven't even listened to this shit yet but I'm laughing out load and spitting up. He basically has transcribed every psycho message this girl has left on his answering machine and he hasn't spoke to her once, and he keeps updating it.

    "Are there normally mountains...all the way...up....I guess so."

  2. Fun that is forced is not 'fun'. The idea of mandatory fun is a misnomer. Fun with a bunch of people who you have nothing in common with other than a paycheque is not fun. Fun with said strangers that doesn't involve the usual presence of hopefully free booze as a social uninhibitor is not fun. For these reasons I sympathize with the man's plight (I bet they had booze at the secret location if not that is also not fun).

  3. I don't know if people are going to dig Nihilist Spasm (unless you're reaaaaaalllly high and even then you could be into a bad trip) they've got a cool history in that they were basically the Rochdale house band and so are connected to the whole history of the Canadian counterculture. But they play really dark non-music, I guess it's musique actuelle or concrete to be precise. You know the kind of stuff, like a really dissonant Godspeed You Black Emperor or there's another band Black Dice that's sort of in the same vein. It's a cool bill though and should be sort of interesting for the drums and tuba guys. Nihilist Spasm are at the mouth of a river that spills out into bands like Sonic Youth, in fact I want to say they've collaborated with Lee Renaldo (maybe at Guelph Jazz actually).

  4. Just rolled into work at 1:15 scraping the mucous off my brain. What a great night of music and friends. From the first notes though I think I just found it too much in terms of the level of craftsmanship, I was really having trouble just totally focusing on the music. The venue was good and the crowd (which was surprisingly diverse) were obviously all music lovers but a little uptight. There was alot of that 'excuse me we can't see business'. You know what deal with it gramps. Everyone was in good spirits, the one kungesque pseudo controversy was when I suddenly thought it would be a good idea to squeeze into the front of the stage crouch down and give Bela a little fan action (Ray was digging it earlier and even signed my ticket to 'Samurai Fan Man' sweeeet!) didn't seem like such a bad idea. So this guy who I squeezed in next to I guess I was bugging him or his girl so he's basically like 'knock off the fanning it's pissing me off' but he was being a dick about it. Now I think I've finally realized that I outweigh most of these limp dick vegans by a good fifty pounds so I literally told him 'don't cry about it' and cleared out. There's always gotta be one dick eh? It's just so laughable it's like being anti-bubbles or anti-puppies or some shit.

    Can't really speak to the music too much. Was really enjoying everyone's company, I was cracking myself up at least (seem to recall a mullet and fan related episode with Tonin where I was playing fashion photog 'now Platinum now Blonde now Trooper good good now Rik Emmett with a K excellent'). It really is such a special thing we have here. And when you're drunk and high it's even better.

    The one really impressive thing was that after pretty much everyone had cleared out the whole band just came out to the floor and made themselves available for a good 45 minutes to whoever. At one point Jeff Coffin was basically giving a music workshop to a throng of people, Ray and Victor were holding court and Bela was sharing whatever he could. He was a very impressive human being, in person I mean, very much like his stage demeanour humble to a tee. Not too much to share in terms of dirt, Ray said he has a new instrument he's going to pull out and I've forgotten the name. Victor was just being a sweetheart, overheard Bela recount the story of how he and Victor were introduced which was sweet. Right before Bela left I quickly got to talk to him about the Toronto based player Jayme Stone whom he had taught at one point, Jayme's group Tricycle has a new album out Emerge and See which he sent to Bela. I was just impressed that he was in the loop and so obviously gracious to the audience and city. Heaploads of respect to Brian on this whole affair.

  5. For once I'm at a loss for words. I genuinely had to tune out a lot of the intensity just to cope tonight, I was really enjoying everyone's company but the overall heaviness of the vibe was weighing on me. I need a bit of time to process, at least only one fucker had a problem wit the fan, don't worry I told the fucker not to cry about it. You know oxygen is a worthwhile cause.

  6. Steve you're a very special young man. A girl actually asked me tonight if I knew 'you' and where she could find pictures tomorrow. But it's like tomorrow right now and you like fishing as well as booze. Cool huh?

    What can you say about that messy business though. I really had to tune alot of it out just to cope with the whole situation. More news to follow.

  7. No kidding! I don't have alot of trouble with the idea of reincarnation, you could see where it can't be explained at all through modern science though. There is a lot of quasi scientific information collected by Tibetan buddhists in terms of the Lama identification process, here also the use of oracles is hard to account for in a reductionist worldview. The oddest thing is the idea that spiritually adept individuals can choose where they will be located when reborn, the idea here is that the child wants to be identified as soon as possible so he can relearn everything he knew in his past life. This is alot less likely to happen if you're born into a god fearing baptist household so they usually choose, for instance in the West, a buddhist household capable of making the painful decision of giving up their child to live in a monastery. They can also apparently choose or influence their gender, as female teachers have certain skills males lack and vice versa.

  8. Unibroue was already making a push for placement in Ontario bars and nightclubs prior to this announcement, even so far as hiring sales managers in Ontario so that broader distribution will likely happen.

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