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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. Holy Shit Sloth did my Huskers shit the bed the last 4 games of the season. I am completely stoked for a fresh start and to see what happens in huskerland over the offseason. Im expecting big changes in the coaching staff starting with a new offensive coordinator. With my in laws living just outside of Lincoln im hearing that the entire city wants that too.

    Secondly i would have no problem if Martinez ends up at UCLA like rumoured as well. That kid has too much of an ego to be heading into his sophmore year.

    I am looking forward to seeing how we match up in the Big 10. Looking forward to an IOWA/ Nebraska matchup too.

    In regards to that OSU game, gotta say im putting my money on the Razorbacks. Should be a great game though and could go either way.

  2. My aunt and uncle bought property and built a house in Ojochal (sp?) and have been livingthere the past two years. Said this past rainy season they received 9 ft of rain. Insane.

    If you end up going meggo and are in that area Ill get you in touch. Would be down for a drink or two im sure.

    sorry no info on volunteering though.

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