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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. As long as its not run by the same people as at the Church last summer you should be fine. Can you 100% confirm only 200 passes were given out? What about friends of the band? Friends of the venue? Friends of security? Friends of the crew?

    Those may have been 200 of the "legit" passes handed out. I would go early based on what i saw happen last year. Good luck and have fun all... im jealous.

  2. From 6 to 18 played rep soccer travelling, tournaments each weekend. 3 years of region team and 1 year on the Provincial team as a Keeper. 2 Years of college soccer with George Brown and then Durham.

    Played about 6 years of hockey before giving way to indoor soccer in the winters so I could train year round.

    At 18 started curling and went to provincial championships as a junior. Played on the B money circuit in mens until i was 27 or so before i had a couple of knee surguries.

    Now, I appreciate sports with a beer in hand.

  3. awesome

    I just got home from work and my Deadopoly is here waiting for me :)

    grateful dead night at my new studio...soon !

    If you are thinking of a great Christmas gift for some heady people up north, i know a 9 month old that would kill at this game. He LOVES Jerry.

  4. Did Fish ever just butcher the switch in Reba.

    Loving how tight they are sounding but that just sounded lost.

    The Bag openner sounded sweet to my ears of what i heard... cant wait to give this whole weekend a serious listen.

  5. They always hand out the Phishbill with the announcement on it... i cant recall a decoy before but i wouldnt put it past them.

    I personally am excited about this choice.

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