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Irie Guy

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Posts posted by Irie Guy

  1. http://www.brucetelecom.com/fibrefaq.shtml

    If I want phone service, high speed Internet or television from Bruce Telecom, do I need to have fibre buried to my home? Yes.

    Not necessarily,

    BMTS Digital TV FAQ

    Who will be able to get Digital TV?

    The majority of customers in our telco area of Tiverton, Kincardine, Port Elgin, Paisley and Southampton who qualify for Cheetah DSL service. There may be some restrictions in regards to distance and/or line quality.

  2. geomouse,

    You are in my neck of the woods. Have you looked at BMTS. They are now offering Digital TV Service over the phone lines. Wireless you cant do much about, but for Internet and Phone I would highly recommend BMTS. I'm real curious about the TV option but I think the lines in my old house may not be up to snuff.

  3. Last time Widespread played T.O. it was at the Opera House. Killer show. They played some Guess Who for us too..

    That was a fun night, we hit the road right after and drove down to Florida to catch the 2 shows at the HOB in Orlando.

  4. Ya, I've been a Kinks fan for over 30 years. I really have to go to this show.

    My sister bought me my first real album that wasnt from KTel. It was The Kinks, One From the Road. Double Live Vinyl. I played that bad boy over and over and over again. I still have it.

    I wish I could fly like Superman

    Got to see them at Kingswood way back in 86 or 87 maybe.

  5. Sonny from WP called me this morning and told me it's in the works. They are a 30 person crew!

    Sonny Domingo Ortiz gave you a shout this morning eh, well i'll be. Maybe this shit don't stink??

    Come on Jay what else did he say they aren't going to come across for Ottawa alone. It's been a long time since that kitty crossed my path. Heck we haven't seen a show post Houser. This would be a treat.

  6. it hasn't been annouced but expect to see Widespread Panic

    This would surprise the shit out of me knowing how big of a crew that they travel with added to the fact that they havent been in Canada since what 97. 10 years later come back and play Ottawa??? I would love to see it mind you and would make sure that I was there so I'd love to see you right.

  7. Are you listening online, just curious. I swear all my Sirius used to loop constantly when I listened online. Anyhow I find with a lot of the stations that they have their favorite songs that come up more frequent than others. Thank god there's lots of different stations to give a listen to.

  8. The 1982 show was one of those very rare experiences (for me) where I can't really remember the show. I remember Joe Jackson stopping his set early due to moron "rockers" throwing beer bottles at him. I was a big Joe Jackson fan and was quite pissed at that. (I would have put myself inthe "mod" category.)

    I had the clipping from the Toronto Star for this show up on my bulleting board for a few years. I thought I remember it saying that poor ole Joe Jackson got hit with a fully dressed Hot Dog while he was sitting at his piano. F*ck I wish I had been there. Like BWM I likened myself to be smoehwat of a Mod. My sister saw the show in Buffalo that year with the Clash opening up. What a night that would have been.

    I too like many others remember that night watching the Final Show from the Gardens on TV, Global I think, and it was simulcast on Q107.

  9. Your modem will get plugged into the Router, there should be an UPLINK port. YOur eMac will be plugged into the Router. So your eMac is now Wired and then you can wirelessly use your MacBook.

    This is exactly what I am doing as my old iMac is not Airport ready. Realistically any decent Router should work. I use Linksys ones but DLink should be no different.

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