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Posts posted by Weirdness

  1. Toronto show last night was VERY solid, completely different show than the others I've seen. I would suggest any haters give it another shot.

    Fuck I miss the Slip and SMMD really doesn't do it for me but my guess at this point that the Barr bros is it.

    If The Slip played TO on a Thursday night it would be $10 and 50 people would show, the venue last night was pretty well full, maybe 250 people? So unfair that The slip never got their due but I'm glad they're getting the attention they deserve in the new band.

  2. Who the fuck picked the day after valentines for flag day???

    I guess Canada is used to being overshadowed and therefore it's appropriate?

    Regardless, please take this opportunity to drink beer--it's your patriotic duty.

  3. [color:black]What I drew from this was that Jobs enjoyed the convenience of having an ipod as a portable device but when the time comes to relax at home after a long day of work nothing beats getting a bit closer to the real thing.

    Which, then lead to the discussion of 'ultra fidelity' where being able to capture and transfer ALL of it for enjoyment at home was something that Jobs and Neil both shared an interest in.

    As memory and bandwith become cheaper and more available, it would definitely be nice to see more of a movement toward this type of idea.

  4. I looked pretty hard yesterday and honestly didn't find much in Canada or the US. Not sure if you can get a 2tb without a power supply but 1tb is definitely available. A Hitachi 3 TB for $179 was the best deal i could find which isn't that hot at all.

    It seems that with the flooding in Thailand where apparently these things are made, there isn't much discounting going on.

    Maybe on Monday but $99 2TB drives won't likely happen for awhile.

  5. It's definitely mellow on the whole--listened to it a few times and it never really grabbed me so much but they play a couple of tracks on Radio Paradise(hate the radio but this station is pretty good) and I find some of the tunes to be really solid standing on their own.

    Maybe too homogeneous as a whole but there are definitely some standouts...

  6. Now I understand some of you don't know Sarah Jane, so I'll tell you a little bit about her. She's a lesbian eskimo midget albino. she went to college and she started the lesbian eskimo midget albino student union, and 400 people signed up! There they were, hundreds of 'em - lesbian midget left-handed eskimo albinos. Did i mention the fact she's left handed? She's left handed alright. Girl's got some strange hobbies. One of her hobbies is lowering children into open man-holes. Which is kind of difficult cause a lot of the children are taller than her, her being a midget and everything - or her being a left-handed midget - or her being a left-handed lesbian midget - or her left-handed lesbian albino midget - or her being a left-handed lesbian albino midget eskimo. Life can be really difficult on that young lady. She bit me once, you know. Right here. You see this? Left a mark. She was lowering a friend of mine's kid into the sewer. I run up and tried to stop her, I said "listen there you lesbian midget left-handed albino! You stop right there!" And she bit me. I'm afraid I'm gonna... I'm gonna turn into a lesbian left-handed midget albino when the moon is full. Oh my god the moon is full tonight! I can feel myself shrinking. I can feel myself getting left-handed. I can feel myself getting the urge to build an igloo. I can feel my skin turning white and my eyes getting red. I can feel - I can feel the urge to buy a Suzanne Vega album! Noooo!!! Noooo!!!! Noooo!!!! Auuggghhh!!! Oh, okay, it was just gas.

  7. The general consensus is that the original pressings are the best, even better than the MOFI and Japenese pressings that go for around $100 or more.

    Please post back your impressions when you listen to it--I have the previous anniversary edition and it's OK but not the best pressing by any means. My 73' copy is beat unfortunately but I'd love to get my hands on a clean early pressing.

  8. Kind of an odd suggestion here but once you get tired of Grand Bend, head North of Grand Bend by 20-30 minutes and spend some time in the chill village of Bayfield. Have a bite and a pint and/or some good Whiskey at The Black Dog while you're there.

    Spent a good deal of time there in highschool and even though Grand Bend was just up the road we rarely went.

    Actually, some mini put would be good in Grand Bend come to think of it, I was thinking about turning the backyard into a mini put course on the way home for some strange reason.


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