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Posts posted by aromatherapy

  1. We've had a pretty jazzy, funky, jammy diverse group of folks out. It's all over the map... anything from full on jam to greatful dead to folky wonderfulness to whatever fun things your imagination can come up with. It's all fun and I think the diversity helps make it that way... there's something for everyone dude.

  2. Damnit! (Janet) It would have to be a Monday night, wouldn't it. Unless folks are going to be drinking there prior to 10:00 I'm gonna have to cancel my "I'm in" ... As Margie said though, feel free to boogie on down to the Gypsy Co-op for a bit of freestylin'!

  3. There's a series of books actually written for children but so beautifully written and full of thought provoking content that they will definitely keep your attention. They are a trillogy called His Dark Materials and are written by Phillip Pullman (The Amber Spyglass, The Subtle Knife and The Golden Compass). The prose is spectacular... books I've read again and again.

  4. Hey, I think I've heard of this and it's supposed to be good. (Although the word 'experimental' doesn't always have good connotations for me).

    I'm really excited about tonight! There're gonna be keys along with my favourite flute player!! His improv makes me drool. This night has been so wonderful for meeting great musicians I otherwise never would have known ^_^

  5. C'mon out for a night of good music, good people and good times. If you're a musician, bring your instrument and if you're not, bring your ears and your bootie so you can shake it around a bit. We'll see ya down at the Gypsy Co-op on Queen St. W after 10!

  6. Lately it's actually been pretty much nothing but my own band... over and over and over and over and over and over some more (which gets extremely annoying very quickly) because we're trying to get an album done and Ben's been mixing day and night in the basement... the sound makes its way through the floors and walls easier than you'd think (or hope for that matter).

  7. Special guests are only a possibility and not a certainty (though one of them does need to hook up with me to collect the camera he forgot at my place on the weekend)... keep your fingers crossed though because the jam we had here in the wee small hours of the morning this weekend wasn't nearly long enough!

  8. It's that special time of the week again folks and I'm quite certain that, before long, we'll have you all looking forward to Mondays. Bring your instruments, your listening skills or just your love of drink and come on down to the Gypsy Co-op on Queen Street west for a cozy jam with some friendly people. Music starts around 10:00!

  9. Being a huge music lover and one of the females who's out there playing in the scene as well I say just don't pay attention to talk like that. You know what you're into and dig what you dig and it shouldn't matter to others. I go out to shows to get lost in the music, to have good times with good friends and exercise my spirit!

  10. *getting lost in the music (whether I'm playing, just listening or givin'er)

    *the way the sun finds it's way through the branches of a tree

    *falling asleep in the park on a warm afternoon

    *leaving the city and being reminded of just how many stars there are in the sky (I can never stop staring)

    *a good pair of loving arms wrapped around me to keep me safe and content

    *the amazingly fantastic people I live with (who've been there for me through so much)

    *that realization that comes out of the blue every now and again that life is just so wonderful

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