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Posts posted by jaybone

  1. I really want one of these bad boys (iPad).

    Does anyone have a data plan? I was thinking of tethering to my iPhone but I'm a little worried about going over the data usage for that.

    I mainly want it for being on the road and presenting to clients. It would be great to show then reviews from an outsiide source while I am showing them wines.

  2. Not much more to tell. Erin and I had a great time on Friday night. We woke up at the hotel and were talking about how cheap tickets were (considering i paid $200 each for the Friday show). We just said "Let's make it a great weekend!" so I fired up the computer, pricelined another room (We moved across the street from The Sheraton to the Hilton) and called a couple friends to see who wanted to party.

    Our friends Drew, Dawn, Auggie and Leiah wanted to go. Drew grabbed us some 10th row center tickets which came to $70/each (better seats then the previous night at a fraction of the price!).

    Erin and I checked out the One of a Kind Show- she spent a bunch of money, and then we had a wicked good dinner at Origin.

    The show was just really fun. Prince played a lot of guitar on Saturday and it ruled. On Friday he had Maceo Parker guest and it was real fun. On Saturday early on Prince says "I want to introduce a very special guest.... My guitar!" and proceeded to shred. I can't remember everything he played (a couple bottles of wine with dinner plus giant beers at the show left things a bit foggy) but it was a blast!

  3. I haven't tried most of those places but I think Five Guys is better then Hintonburger. Taste is subjective, of course, but I love the great sear Five Guys gets on their patties but they are still so juicy inside. Plus the toppings are free (and plentiful)and the fries are awesome.

    Next time in Ottawa I will have to try one of your suggestions.

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