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Posts posted by celticwolfsun

  1. the last time/first time I seen DMB was Ralph wilson Stadium.. and WOW the biggest idiots I have ever encountered were at this show.. just horny College retards with candy necklaces trying to get girls to eat them off of them.. and umm let's see I blocked out a lot of memories.. my sister and I ended up leaving early and listened to the show outside for a bit.. then seen Girl's throwing up and panicing from being too wasted!! Oh and I have never ever seen sooo many people drink beer with straws then I did at DMB show.. Ozomalti opened.. and they were great :)

    but after all that garbage.. it was about 7 years ago.. maybe 8.. I might try to go to this show depending on the price... but years have past since that experience hopefully it's gotten better

  2. Sounds like you had a great time in Costa Rica! lol Travelling does take its toll an ya.. at least you weren't moving on your birthday.. which I did one year.. man that sucked.. :S anyways.. hope to see ya very soon! Give me a call sometime!

    cuke in a box?? ;)

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