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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. okay, I for one would like to send out a huge double high five(that's a 10) to mike and andre(and anyone else who helps run this board)for making this place possible. you guys spend your own free time and energy to provide us with a forum and bring us together as a community. That is to be highly commended. really, you guys do a great job and i would like to thank you. sometimes, like in any family or community, people disagree. but family is family and community is community. we all stick together and help each other out. I'm really glad this place is here and a part of my (almost) daily routine. keep up the good work.




  2. hello all. i just thought i would pop in and say hello to my fellow skanks out in the west coast. things have been getting a little too much to take on the mainly ontario poriton of the board. so i think i'll hang out here. so with that i say hello and high. ::

  3. article2979.jpg

    GREENSBORO, NC—In an announcement that has alarmed voters across the nation, Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday that he will personally attack the U.S. if Sen. John Kerry wins the next election.

    Above: Cheney issues a warning to Greensboro, NC voters.

    "If the wrong man is elected in November, the nation will come under a devastating armed attack of an unimaginable magnitude, one planned and executed by none other than myself," Cheney said, speaking at a rally in Greensboro, NC. "When they go to the polls, Americans must weigh this fact and decide if our nation can ignore such a grave threat."

    Added Cheney: "It would be a tragedy to suffer another attack on American soil, let alone one perpetrated by an enemy as well-organized and well-equipped as I am. My colleagues and I urge voters to keep their safety in mind when they go to the polls."

    Although Cheney would not comment on the details of his proposed attack on a John Kerry-led U.S., national-security experts said he possesses both the capabilities and the motivation to pose a serious threat.

    "There is no question that Cheney has the financial assets and intelligence needed to pose a threat to our nation," said Peter Bergen, terrorism researcher and author of Threats And Balances: Former Executive Branch Officials And The Danger To America. "After all, this fanatic can call upon the resources of both the Republican Party and Halliburton to aid him in his assault. America would be foolish not to take his warning seriously."

    After his speech, Cheney was asked to confirm his remarks.

    "Make no mistake: If Kerry becomes president, no one will be safe from me," Cheney told reporters. "Businesses, places of worship, schools, public parks: No place will offer you refuge. A vote for Kerry is a vote to die in your own bed at the hands of Dick Cheney."

    Stepping up to the podium after Cheney, Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge vowed to increase surveillance of the vice president.

    "Wherever Cheney is—whether in his office in the White House or stumping in battleground states—we will be watching him," Ridge said. "I will not rule out raising the terror-alert level, should Kerry begin to draw ahead in the polls. Every percentage point conceded to Kerry brings the nation under greater threat of attack by Cheney."

  4. i don't really think that what he is saying is anti-misogynistic, I guess it could be if you look at the capcity to evolve and change as a bad thing. He states that men create themselves in the teen years and then never really change, have any epiphanies or any personal growth. Which i think has very little to do with gender. Personal growth will always happen. It doesn't matter what's below the belt.

    on a side note, i would also like to congratulate canned beats for his continued efforts to engage interesting, thought provoking discussions.

  5. ha ha, what a puppet


    Tuesday, October 05, 2004

    The Voice in Bush's Ear

    This site is a clearinghouse for discussion of whether President Bush uses an earpiece through which he's fed lines and cues by offstage advisers. His speech rhythms suggest this, as do some of his word choices and interjections, and his constantly shifting eye movements while speaking. And there's another form of evidence: Television viewers have sometimes heard another voice speaking Bush's words before he says them. When Bush spoke at D-Day ceremonies in France last June, for example, viewers watching on CNN, Fox and MSNBC, including mediachannel.org's Danny Schechter, were startled to hear another voice speaking Bush's words as if to prompt him. Some said this continued into a q & a. And on the night of 9/11, when Bush appeared on television to address the nation, viewers of one television station in Quincy, Massachusetts heard another voice speaking, slowly and carefully, a few words at a time -- words which were then recited by the president. The voice was nondescript, male, definitely not the president's voice, says Quincy resident Robyn Miller. This went on for at least four sentences, she says, and then the "extra" feed was cut off.

    Reporters should have looked into this long ago. But for the past four years through Bush's first debate last week with John Kerry -- and even in the days after the debate -- the press has ignored the evidence of its eyes and ears, and failed to ask whether the president secretly relies on unseen handlers for some public events, including press conferences. If Bush wore a hidden earpiece to cheat in this way during his first debate with John Kerry (however unsuccessfully), it is urgent that the fraud be exposed before the election.

    The agreement set by the debate commission barred shots of the candidates from the rear of the stage. The networks refused to comply with the camera angle rules, broadcasting occasional shots of the candidates from behind.

    bush is a puppet

  6. i think if drugs were totally legal there wouldn't be the stigmatism attached to them and therefore maybe a honest and open system would be created. essentially governments have made states of conscienceness illegal and by criminalizing the choice to alter your conscienceness, you get all the other problems, crime, addiction, gangs, violence and all the other terrible things that come with the illegal drug trade. i'm not saying that these things won't happen if drugs were legal, but they would happen alot less. I do believe that in our current world systems drugs will never be legal and we'll be lucky if any are decrimalized. Keeping drugs illegal, keeps the real world powers very rich. The war on drugs is really the war to control drugs. Think of all the money that gets spent on fighting drugs. the bureaucracy is addicted to this money and by limiting a free market supply (keeping drugs illegal) you can increase demand and profits. Drugs have always be used as a method to profit and control by the imperial systems.(opium wars). And with the USA being the current imperial leader, with a total domination of the south american cocaine trade, the opium golden triangle in afghanistan and asia, not to mention world wide pharmaceutical production, illegal drugs are here to stay. at least in this current world order

  7. once when i was in edmonton i came across HAPPY POP which was a pop shoppe copy, western style. great bottle design. big 'ol round happy face with the words happy pop around it. the letter 'O' was the perfect place for a bong slider. happy pop made a great little bong. any westerners come across happy pop?

  8. well i'm interested in getting this coventry poster but i can't afford to pay ebay prices, so if someone is looking to get rid of their poster to someone who will enjoy and display it then i'm your man. I could throw in a heady treat and a couple of shows from my list. cheers jir@fancol.com or drop me a PM

  9. ignorant, suffering fools, are the downfall of the modern world (GWB and his puppet masters) but getting them to agree or even see your point does little to validate it. If you enjoy what you do and love the music in anyway that you do, then what the fool thinks is of little importance. though a little recognition is nice once in a while. hang in there captian zero, your day will come.

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