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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. Great Q of the day!!!

    -Having love in your life

    -sharing life with the most beautiful woman in the universe

    -sharing life with the most teriffic family and freinds

    -writing,playing and listening to music

    -having an experince in which you feel total connected to the universe in which moments of truth reveal understanding and commpassion

    -drinking cinnamon flavoued coffee on the patio of the only

    -road tripping to anywhere on a sunny day with the perfect tunes

    - the anticipation of smoking one of the most beautiful, sweet smelling, heady organic, nuggets you have ever seen

    -smoking that nugget

  2. if your in oshawa go to long and mcquade, john is one of the best guitar techs around. It will take a few days because he is always backed up, but he is the best. If your in peterborough then I agree Ed's music is the place and might be a little chear then long and mcquade.

  3. thorgnor,

    I would gladly clarify my statement. It wasn't really geared towards the article itself. I'm sure that all the findings were held to be true based on the perceptions of the researchers involved. What I am questioning is the nature of facts and perception. If you follow conventional history and knowledge you must base your research on things which are tangible and factual in a way in which can be proven in a scientific manner. So what sparked my comments based on this article is this sentence "Longevity during the Upper Paleolithic period was dramatically greater than in earlier periods". I wasn't trying to demean the work they had done or try to say I was smarter then a research anthropologist. The thought I had when reading these findings was, I wonder what these researchers would think of Edgar Cayce's reading claim that civilization is over 5 million years old. Impossible?!!? Cayce isn't a scientist, probably a crackpot. Hey, didn't Adam live to be 930 years old??!!?? Wait a minute, that's from the bible that can't be true. Not fact, only symbolism. Thoth the Atlantean, as stated by Drunvalo Melchizedek, says that civilization on this planet actually goes back 500 million years ago!!??!! Is any of this true? Who know? I can only discover the truth of my own path and in hind sight realize that my comments above were an expression of my ego. I did not wish to discredit this work or any work done by science. I merely wanted to comment on the nature of reality and our human perception of it.

  4. i got this for christmas from santa


    press his belly and he says....

    Respect ya Nan","Put me down you batty boy",

    "Oi, where is me dong", "Respect ya Punani", "Aiii","Booka"

    check you his movie too. da westside yo!!!

  5. when in San fran check out the wharf, palace of fine arts, the haight and golden gate park. Very tourist things to do but hey I was one, so what the hell.

    one thing I wouldn't suggest doing is driving your car to the haight and then eating a bunch of mushrooms in golden gate park. Which was amazing during the day, up on the hill chilling, tripping to an amazing drum circle but when it gets dark and your car has turned into a shape shifting blob of colours, you realize you should have taken a cab.

    actually, looking back it made for a pretty memorable adventure, so fu@k it get your freak on baby!!!!!!!

  6. Boo as if ghost is gone :(

    well I guess I vote hoist.

    don't let the low voter turn out get you down, maybe we can start a rock the vote, in order to get more young people to vote.

    keep on the survivors, this one is great. I can vote many times in a day to make up for all these none voters.

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