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Posts posted by M

  1. i see it as rather than spending money on a gift that the person may not end up wanting / needing, you can put the money towards a good cause (in their name / honour) instead.

    kind of like how when someone passes away and families ask that in lieu of flowers, donations are made to the hospital,etc. instead.

    i like the idea of donations. i've been to weddings where, rather than asking for gifts, people have asked for donations instead. i think it's a nice, selfless guesture.

  2. My sister just emailed me that she has given a donation to Foster Parent's as a Mother's Day gift.. I did a bit of reading from the email she fwded me and checked out the site and I think it's a great idea if you don't know what to get your mom for mother's day... a donation that will help others.. thought I would pass the idea along in case folks are stuck w/ ideas for gifts... or, if Foster Parent's isn't for you -- a donation to any cause really is a nice way of showing what a caring kid your mom has raised!!! :D


    Can we suggest an amazing, unique, life changing gift for a special mother in your life this year from Foster Parents Plan (Plan)? Maybe not directly life changing for your mother, but definitely life changing for the mother in a developing country who receives the benefit of your thoughtfulness.

    You can select a gift that provides training to a midwife or birth attendant to help save mothers’ lives and welcome hundreds of babies safely into the world.

    Or adult literacy training for two women, a gift that will increase their opportunities to earn an income, and give them a greater chance of raising literate children.

    Or maybe school books for a child to help shift their focus from the challenge of daily life to the promise of a more hopeful future.

    These and other Gifts of Hope make a lasting difference in the lives of children, their families and entire communities where Plan works.

    Give your mom, grandmother or other special women a gift they've never had before - and help change a life!

    Visit our online catalogue and discover the many gift opportunities to suit all your gift-giving needs. When you give a gift in honour of someone else, you can have an acknowledgement email sent to announce your gift or download a printable card.

    Order a Gift of Hope today! Click here to make your secure purchase. Help transform more lives by forwarding these gift giving ideas to friends and family. Thank you for making a difference!

    Gift Catalogue Gifts from $20 or more

    OR Sponsor a Child


  3. and it gets better:

    The Slip play two post-show concerts at very special shows on June 21st and 22nd featuring My Morning Jacket, accompanied by the full Boston Pops. This is part of the NEMO Music Festival Presented Pops EdgeFest. Come join The Slip at Boston's Symphony Hall. Regarding the pre- and post-concert shows, they are general admission and free to any ticket-holder of that evening's performance. Attendance is first-come first-served based on the maximum occupancy of each room. More info can be found here. Also, a three night run in June in the San Francisco area has been announced as well as some summer festival appearances. Details are on the calendar.

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