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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. ok palace princess... We can wear them out to the mall and stuff... but i think just to complete the outfits we should also wear some of these - you know, when we go to the movies and stuff... extra gripping for our large sodas


  2. hehe - there was talk of wearing what we wore the first time we ever saw them... but i'm not as brave as i was in those days, so i doubt that will happen.

    Yes, Nicodemus will most likely be there...

    rhoctu (<--that's a spit sound)

  3. thanks for the compliments Phunky! The mullet is coming along quite nicely actually! I have some updated photos of month 2 and a nice interview with the mullet man himself! I'm hoping to have that up by friday!!! So stay tuned!

    QQC - looking forward to the kraftwerk mission with ya! We're bringin' Chase back to k-dub with us to stay for the weekend. woohoo!

  4. no problem c-towns!

    right click on your desktop, choose properties, then the settigs tabs, and that's where you can change the resolution - make it the lowest possible (800x600)

    some of the older monitors can't handle high resolutions. If it's already set to the lowest then i'm afraid you might have to get a new one... :(

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