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hi out here


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I thought you moved back east? Do you know Shawn Hall (he's from Chatham) he's been on the island for a while now, I heard he just got back from Mexico. Also, do you know Geoff Houston, I think he know's you, anyways he's my roomate. Are you the one Karen and Cargo just finished visiting? We just hung with Karen at her hostel this past weekend. I'm not sure if I know you, but I've likely seen you, what's your last name? Mine is "Davies". Sorry for all the questions, I'm just a curious Chathamite.


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hey c'towns

i know ross, i actually ran into him at a rave here on the island about 2 weeks ago, i tripped out when i saw him, it was awesome. he was sposed to come out with us last weekend but didn't end up showing.... hope to see him again, he said he may be moving over to van though. ya i'm the one carrgo and karyn were visiting back in april. i'm still in victoria. and i know houston too. we must know eachother... i can't think of your face though. i'll nprobably be heading thru cowtown end o august on my way to london (teachers college) so maybe we'll meet then....take care!

another chatham connection


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man that hurts! i want to go so bad, but i'm so broke! and i don't even have a job to take time off from! i hope you guys have a wicked time though... and i'll be sure to say hi to ross if i see him... you say hi to the cowtown crew for me.


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Hey, I still cant put a face to your name, but hey, we're from Chatham, who cares. If you see Ross tell him Mr.Davies says whats up! Are you going to phish at the Gorge? If not do you want to, we got some extras! If not, hope to see you in August when you stop through!


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