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Dalai Lamas - Thanks for the grooves


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I don't know if anyone else on this board saw Saskatoon's greatest funk band, the Dalai Lamas, over the past couple of years. The sad news of their break-up was recieved the other day and my lamenting continues. The perpetual tour has come to an end.

How do you pay tribute to the deceased? Two great CDs that I would recommend to anyone: 1999's "Return to Funk-Fu Alley" and, just released last week, "Theta Waves". Both CDs are nothing but pure funk in the vein of 70's Stevie Wonder and Headhunter's Herbie Hancock. The Lama's commitment to funk was unheeding and passionate. The talent of the 5 members, Vince, Tim, Sean, Sean and Brian is both polished and percise - hopefully their spreading of great music doesn't stop here.

To the Lamas (who were booked to play with Jomomma on the 18th and at the Circus Room on the 17th) - Thanks for the unforgetable grooves...

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Bondo is sick. Jazz students doing what they love. Tim Bones on drums is a crazy man! Their guitarist is of the Scof-school and their bassist plays a mean stand-up...Good things to come in the future from these guys for sure.

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