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saw Scofield last night in London (UK)

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last night's show was, to quote Jeff Spicoli:

"Awesome! Totally Awesome!!"

it was held in a small Jazz bar (aptly called Jazz Cafe) located in Camden Town; luckily I bought my ticket the second I heard about it 'cause it ended up selling out.

The crowd was a diverse bunch, consisting of older hip and conservative Jazz heads, guitar freaks (everyone was trying to get a good look at the variety of pedals), long hair folk, a few posh couples knowing where it's "at", and one dude I spotted in his late 30's with a Phish logo t-shirt.

Anyhow, I got there early to get drunk and up front; luckily I was positioned right in front of John. The majority of the show showcased the new album Uberjam, which is absolutely incredible! Fortunately I caught Scofield last summer at GOTVibes, so I knew what was in store. The performance was top notch and extremely energetic, completely dumbfounding the entire crowd (I don't think they were expecting what they got). At the end of each song the crowd would just roar with it's approval (I felt like I was partaking in an audience from the Who's Live at Leeds album).

Scofield was very chatty and funny. He shared with us that he's done acid only twice ("and anything more, you should watch out!"); he also told us that the drummer smokes dope everyday, so he got us chanting the words "po po" at certain points in the tune.

If Scofield's playing near you sometime soon, do it to it! His new band's the shit, and knows how to keep things flowing! Also, you can tell Scofield's LOVING this new groove!

peace out

on Monday I'm off to Russia (specifically north east) for 6 months to do some humanitarian work. I'll try and pop in once in a while and lay down the ruskie headee scene for ya.

have a good show

yr pal al

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