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FAT CATS!!!!!!


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oh the music, it was great.

amazing versions of every song. Four new songs i didn't recognize. opened up with cats under the stars. was very, very beautiful. naked guy tried to run on stage. dancin' girls causin' raukus's knocking dave's mike stand over. Over two hours straight, todd exclaiming "we can't stop now". Gatch fist pumping like he was Trey. Joel showing his six months on drum school.


Were Not Gonna Take It.


just absolutely great Marc. Ask Laurie, i think she was having a great time as well.

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Originally posted by secondtube:

just absolutely great Marc. Ask Laurie, i think she was having a great time as well.

She did have a good time, indeed. Did she have a chance to soak down yer crotch area with her water pistol? Hope so. I know she was really looking forward to it. [Wink]

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there was soakage, but i don't think you could tell cause i was soaked head to toe with sweat from dancin'

I can't get over how amazing the fatties were. Todd's voice was SOOOOOO stong. And dave was actually in the back ground vocals as with gatch. lots of vocal harmonies in their new songs.


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Ya we saw you driving home Monday. How was the drive tweeky tweekerton?

Are ya alright? I'm glad i relaxed Sunday night, kickin' and mellowed out for the ride home monday.

Friday was such a party for me. BEST BIRTHDAY EVER. Finished my 26er of Te killya, and was LAST MAN STANDING, saturday mornin'. slept for about 2 hours, then partied all of freaking saturday right up till sunrise again sunday.

never had i partied like that in my life, well, other than for big cypress. it was amazing. something in the air up there. just amazing.

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