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B & Z -good for you !

B & Z

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Hey people! Just letting you know that

Ottawa's only ambiant improv duo "Butterflies & Zebras"are appearing this Thurs at the Cafe Dekcuf w/ Sneakers from Mor-real and Friday at the Bayou opening for the Kevin D'aoust trio...should be lots of hot jamming and gittar's wailin' !!

Hope to see you all there!

Peace out N(B&Z)

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Hey hey! ya-we're bringin' the works again...never thought of hiding behind it! If we get a hostile audience sometime....!

Thanks for the info-we looking forward to hearing your tape so we can put it to cd, our mix was cool but a few drop-outs, crappy mike blues....

See you again!

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Hey, welcome to the board B&Z!!! You have come to the right place to find people that will appreciate what you guys are up to.

If you haven't checked out Butterflies and Zebras, I urge you to.

And B&F, if you haven't checked out Ottawa's trio, nero.... I urge you to. I bet you and Dave Lauzon (the guitarist) would have a great time talking ambient jams and guitar gear. [Wink]

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