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For you West Coast heads


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Yeah, I've been hearing about this...

My first reaction is to laugh, because it seems absurd. But I see this area all the time, and they definately have a case. It is as close to Hell as you can possibly get on this earth - if anyone out east hasn't seen it before, believe me, nothing like it exists anywhere else in Canada - not even close... Damn right they should be compensated - I mean, if nice neighborhoods are compensated: ie: businesses that have to close for the day for a movie shoot or something get $$ from the producers. - then so should these people - and they need it a whole lot more than any Kitsilano businessman.

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With all due respect to the posters on that site, what the hell do they know about Van's Eastside? The site is based out of Ottawa, so I assume most of the posts are also from the East.

I admit the notion of getting receipts from crack-whores is pretty funny, but they need compensation in a more tangible way than just donations to the food bank or whatever - the production companies should be doing that anyways. They should be contributing DIRECTLY to the neighborhood in question (which they basically 'take-over' like baby Huey when they do a shoot), because unlike most neighborhoods, there aren't any boutiques or restaurants to 'buy for the day' - so, not only do they get an 'authentic' dirty ghetto scene for their movie, but they get it for free, displacing an enourmous amount of the most needy people in the country.

BTW East Hastings is the poorest postal code in all of Canada.

That neighborhood NEEDS HELP - They've tried the needle exchange, safe injection sites, arresting everyone, arresting no-one, ignoring it, gentrification, poisoning the drug supply, you name it... I'd like to see these people succeed, however unlikely that is... Because it could be one step closer to having them finally attempt self-help - which might do some good for once.

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i dunno weezy - you have some points too, but dang main - some of the biggest assholes i ever knew moved to van and some ended up down there. I guess it all depends on your compassion tolerance and how much you believe in letting the herd thin itself...

maybe they could give some money straight to the community... but i dunno...

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