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Lesbian rock fans in the house?


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Favorite CD (Like I Said)!

That's a great one - Not So Soft, Out Of Habit & Firedoor are three of the best Ani songs IMHO.

Personally, I totally got into when the first live CD ("Living In Clip") came out. Her new live CD ("So Much Shouting, So Much Laughter") is pretty good too, but the first one rules! Her acoustic playing is just SO good, sort of like Pete Townshend meets Joni Mitchell at a James Brown show.

Oh, and personally I think my fave studio album is "Little Plastic Castles".


Mr. M.

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Hey, so who else was at the Massey show last night? It was amazing - damnit the girl has skills! There was a lot of new stuff which was really great, I really enjoyed the last three new ones she did. Of the older stuff, I think "As Is" and "Your Next Bold Move" were the highlights for me. It was also interesting to see her sitting 'cus of her broken foot - didn't temper her frenetic delivery much!

Anyway, a great time!


Mr. M.

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Yeah, ani was sweet last night. solo was such a treat for once. Always a fun time being male and in the minority at a show for once too. the new songs were sweet - and i loved how she changed guitars every single time. a bit short though, she seemed tired and a bit hobbled by the cast on her foot, but always a good time. peace...


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